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Horoscope for today, October 8, 2020, of all zodiac signs


Check here your horoscope for today, Thursday, October 8. What are the stars in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope,

Thursday, October 8



, the asteroid related to commitment and fidelity in relationships, agrees with the


so that you can maintain your feelings in a stable way.


Today the asteroid Juno and the Moon, stars associated with the fidelity, stability and commitment that you assume in your relationships, agree on water signs, an element that represents the emotional part. 

As all this combination and energy current directly influences your personal and family relationships, the Universe advises you to put aside your impulsiveness and apply your most sensitive side and all your heart in these issues. 

In this way, you will feel calmer and more secure;

thus you can maintain the most constant affections and loves and clearer and cleaner relationships.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Aries Monthly Horoscope for October

Aries 2020 Annual Horoscope


Today the Moon and the asteroid Juno, which represents your level of commitment and loyalty, form a strong current of energy.

Such a combination activates the sectors of your horoscope associated with your personal and social relationships and with how you communicate in them. 

This current, which is expansive and open, makes you be more demonstrative, affectionate and communicative with everyone.

In addition, you can be more understanding when they tell you about their needs or emotional problems to solve them. 

It is also favorable for your intimate relationships, since you are in a good disposition to compromise your feelings and follow a path together.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Taurus Monthly Horoscope for October

Taurus Annual Horoscope 2020


Today the Universe gives you a strong impulse so that you can open and show your emotional world to others.

In a nice way, quality of your sign, and spreading your positive energy.

Thus, you can benefit them with your presence. 

You will do this thanks to the energies that today combine favorably between the Moon and the asteroid Juno, which represents the good and constant links between relationships.  

As both are activating sensitive and emotional signs, you will be more willing to communicate what you feel and you will know how to respond to the needs of others, so that both you and those around you will remain in full harmony.

See also: 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope for October

2020 Gemini Annual Horoscope


Today the Moon will be passing through your sign and will be combined with the asteroid Juno, which represents commitment in relationships.

As they synchronize with each other, they activate the area of ​​your life related to how you let your energies flow and the creativity you have to build your relationships. 

This strong and positive influence will allow you to understand how you are in your relationships and how much you are willing to give and receive in them. 

Hence, you are encouraged to accept the love you have to give, make commitments and decide to declare yourself to someone.

You will see that you will feel happy that you did it and thus you will not waste your ability to love.

See also: 

Cancer weekly horoscope, October


, 2020

Cancer monthly horoscope for October

Cancer 2020 annual horoscope


Today Juno and the Moon, stars associated with the stability and commitment that you want to have in your relationships, agree on water signs, an element that represents the emotional part. 

Thus they form a stream of energy that activates the themes associated with all your relationships in your astrological chart.

This is so that you know how to combine the heart and reason, and thus achieve a balance both in your partner and with friends and everyone is favored. 

By managing the mind and feelings, you will be more practical and you will have serenity and objectivity to repair mistakes and solve any situation of tension. 

See also: 

Leo weekly horoscope, October


, 2020

Leo monthly horoscope for October 

Leo 2020 annual horoscope


Today you start the day with several planets activating the water element, which favors you because you are earth and they give you a special sensitivity and sympathy that you will give to those around you. 

This influence is even stronger because Juno, the asteroid of marriage and commitment, and the Moon, associated with love and family, are involved.

As these planetary movements will increase your more affectionate side and are protective for you, they will favor you to accept that others give you their love. 

At the same time, so that you put aside the arrogance of your sign and the stubbornness of your mind.

So you can take firmer steps in your romantic relationships.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for October

Virgo 2020 Annual Horoscope


Today the energy current formed by the Moon and the asteroid Juno in the water element, associated with the possibility of stabilizing yourself, activates the sectors of your birth chart that refer to your economy, your work tasks and how you keep your knowledge updated to be more efficient. 

With all this influence on the aforementioned topics, the Universe will help you maintain energy constantly so as not to lower your arms, not feel frustrated and continue training you to improve. 

Once this stability is achieved, you will improve your purchasing power.

This, in turn, will make you enjoy life more;

above all, assuming the commitment to share everything with your loved ones.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope for October

Libra 2020 Annual Horoscope


Juno, an asteroid related to your commitment in relationships, is combined with the Moon, which represents family love.

All this synchronization is very favorable for you because it will make you aware of the importance of constancy in relationships. 

Since the aforementioned combination will make you feel more secure in finding balance and stability in your feelings, it will also make you define what kind of commitment you are willing to make in relationships. 

In this order of ideas, you will feel better about yourself because you will already be prepared to maintain more formal relationships and build your own family.

See also: 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for October

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2020


In your astral chart, you have sectors that you should keep renewed and clean of resentments and frustrations;

those that, precisely, have to do with the emotions that you keep secret and those that are related to your partner. 

Although this may seem contradictory, that is how it is in your horoscope and it is what helps you to do so that your life flows better.

This means that, from time to time, you should check for hidden anger, accumulated sadness, or unconfessed feelings. 

So you can clarify them or, directly, get them out of your interior.

Since today these sectors are receiving the synchronized energy of the Moon and the asteroid Juno, it will be easier for you to achieve it.

See also: 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for October

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2020


The aspects of your life in which you tend to apply all your rationality are those associated with the social, sentimental and commercial part.

Today these three aspects are activated by the Moon and the asteroid Juno to recommend you put a little more heart and emotion. 

In this way, you will manage to handle different situations with more stability and commitment between people and in business. 

If you do this, the appointments and meetings scheduled for this day will flow on their own without you having to do much more on your part.

Take advantage of it to say hello and activate your contacts and send notes with your current activities. 

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for October

Capricorn Annual Horoscope 2020


Today the combination between the Moon and Juno form a current of energy in the water element, related to your strength to grow rhythmically in your goals and ambitions, without confusion and without wasting time. 

This combination activates the sectors of your astral chart in which it favors you to apply the aforementioned.

These sectors are those related to your finances, the job you want to have and work goals. 

Therefore, surely, you will receive news about the confirmation of the desired salary or position.

The message that the Universe sends you is that with this achievement you will be able to achieve a constant and rhythmic growth in your quality of life.

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, October


, 2020

Aquarius monthly horoscope for October

Aquarius 2020 annual horoscope


Today Juno, an asteroid that talks about formality and commitment in relationships, is synchronized with the Moon to send you its vibrations so that you can have a more stable sentimental and emotional world.  

As the aforementioned stars are passing through a water sign, an element associated with constant affections and clear and clean relationships, they advise you that to achieve the aforementioned, you must be more sincere, loyal and faithful to your word and what your heart feels . 

If you apply it, it will lead you to discover why each person comes into your life and see what traits of your personality make you attract certain types of relationships. 

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for September

Pisces 2020 Annual Horoscope

See also:

Cinnamon rituals to conquer, maintain and attract love

5 simple ways to cleanse your aura of negative energies

How You Can Balance Your Chakras Through Yoga

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This is how each zodiac sign sabotages their love relationships 

Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-10-08

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