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Horoscope for today, October 9, 2020, of all zodiac signs


Check here your horoscope for today, Friday, October 9. What are the stars in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja


today's horoscope, Friday October 9




Pluto can

not synchronize their energies.

Therefore, if you can't control your bad mood, you could have a day characterized by conflict and bad reactions.


Today is a difficult and stressful day.

This is generated by the unfavorable encounter of the most aggressive and explosive planets that are Mars and Pluto.

This influence will be reflected in you in that you will feel that those around you do not take you into account despite all your efforts.

For example, you might react with strong anger when you learn that your partners have signed new agreements without consulting you or that your bosses gave someone a promotion.

With the aforementioned planetary combination, you will express your anger in a very explosive way and could end the partnership or even submit your resignation.

Be careful because you may regret this.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Aries Monthly Horoscope for October

Aries 2020 Annual Horoscope


You are one of the signs that most enjoys making money.

This is why, every day, you want to have more promotions or achieve your financial independence with your business and then enjoy luxuries and pleasures.

But today you could lose all the tranquility that you have maintained so that nothing is scattered from your goals;

even abandon your financial path without caring about the consequences.

This is due to the collision that Mars will have with Pluto, which will be responsible for generating a strong anger when seeing that any of your ambitions are frustrated.

Be careful because you can have an impulsive and violent reaction with bosses or a person in authority.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020 

Taurus Monthly Horoscope for October 

Taurus Annual Horoscope 2020


If you are in a relationship or have started a romance, you can have a difficult day.

This is because of the unfavorable encounter that Mars and Pluto will have, planets in charge of awakening jealousy and obsessions in you.

This may have already happened earlier at the beginning of last year or in March of this year, but, if you did not solve it well, there could have been doubts and mistrust that you have hidden day by day.

Today the aforementioned planetary combination will put an event on your way that makes you jealous again, that makes you react with strong claims towards the other person and thus you will bring to light all the repressed emotions.

For this reason, I suggest you control yourself to avoid further damaging the relationship with your brusqueness.

See also: 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope for October

2020 Gemini Annual Horoscope


You haven't felt happy with the love life you're leading for a long time and that's why you want to define the situation as soon as possible.

This is because you have been going through different crises that have increased since the beginning of this year and now, due to the bad character and bad mood of both, everything seems unsustainable.

Today your urgency to define the future of the relationship will increase due to the explosive collision that Mars and Pluto will have, which will manifest itself through a sharp discussion of old claims and anger that will come to light.  

Avoid reacting in a very strong and aggressive way demanding a change.

First, change within yourself in order to attract other types of situations.

For this, you can also rely on one of 5 simple ways to cleanse your aura of negative energies.

See also: 

Cancer weekly horoscope, October


, 2020

Cancer monthly horoscope for October

Cancer 2020 annual horoscope


Since the beginning of the year, you have been in a process of internal transformation and exchange of values ​​so that you can rescue the most positive thing that you have experienced in these months.

This is because, in the time mentioned, the Universe has been testing your emotional instability and impulsivity.

But today it could present another obstacle so that, instead of reacting badly, you find inside yourself other types of qualities and that you enjoy life in a different way.

All this is generated by the clash of energies that Mars and Pluto will have, planets that awaken your violent reactions.

If you can control yourself and not react badly, you could come out of all this very successfully.

See also: 

Leo weekly horoscope, October


, 2020

Leo monthly horoscope for October 

Leo 2020 annual horoscope


In recent months, you have focused your willpower on not being aware of money and putting aside one of your sign's obsessions, which is to control everything.

You have also tried not to give as much importance to your bank balances because you know that your mood depends on them.

But the Universe puts one more test for you to secure these changes within yourself.

Today it could happen to you that, when checking your accounts, you detect a small monetary loss and thus explode in anger.

This reaction would happen due to the combination of energies that will make Mars and Pluto, planets of irrational impulses.

Be careful because this could cause you serious confrontations with others.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for October

Virgo 2020 Annual Horoscope


In recent months, you have been at home longer and have had several family frictions, but you have not clarified these situations well.

This is why negative emotions have been accumulating within you, since you do not like creating a bad environment or receiving complaints for your bad character.

However, today Mars and Pluto have a clash of energies that increase your internal feelings of frustration, since you consider that they do not understand you and it is very difficult for you to control yourself and not react with anger.

Try to express yourself as calmly as possible and, if you notice heaviness and bad vibes in your house, cleanse your home of negative energies.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope for October

Libra 2020 Annual Horoscope


In recent weeks you have been quieter than usual and without exposing yourself to others;

above all, with your friends and acquaintances because you have not wanted to express certain anguish and feelings of mistrust towards them.

However, it is better not to suppress anything and say it as you feel it, since a badly managed congestion of emotions could at some point explode in a bad way.

Today the Universe wants to show you just that through Mars and Pluto, making you react very explosively if you detect any deception.

Therefore, I suggest you clarify all your doubts without generating confrontations or bad energy in the environment.

See also: 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for October

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2020


Today you must be especially careful with your character if you cannot order your work schedule as you wish, but according to the orders received from your boss or superiors.

As you already come with work frustrations, especially since the beginning of this year, and it is difficult for you to accept orders, for the aforementioned you will feel that you can no longer contain your anger.

Added to all this is the overflowing energy of the collision between Mars and Pluto, aggressive and explosive planets, which make you feel that it is time to express your anger and put a limit to that situation.

Since you could react in a bad way, I suggest you make this clear another day and avoid conflicts that cannot be solved.

See also: 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for October

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2020


The energy crossing that will take place today between Mars and Pluto affects directly, since the second planet mentioned is passing through your sign and for this reason its influence is stronger than usual.

This planetary combination in the horoscope will be marking the state of your anger and anger.

So, if you have accumulated many resentments, frustrations and you do not know how to control yourself, at the slightest inconvenience your irritability will be exalted in such a way that you will argue at work and even at home.

But if you can control the way you express yourself, your day will change completely and you can even get out of the tensions.

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for October

Capricorn Annual Horoscope 2020


Mars and Pluto once again have an unfavorable encounter.

As both planets are related to tension and rebellion, they set the trend towards heavy fighting.

Today you will perceive this when you detect that all the plans of the day present obstacles and you will get angry because you do not want to wait any longer to do them.

In addition, you will consider any event as a provocation to your efforts in recent months.

In this vein, when you feel unlucky and unvalued, you will explode in fury.

But remember that if you put a function to these delays and use them to your advantage, you can transform the negative into positive.

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, October


, 2020

Aquarius monthly horoscope for October

Aquarius 2020 annual horoscope


Lately, you have spent a lot of time giving strength to your wishes and have put a lot of will to achieve them.

This strong conviction that you have within you, as well as the faith to materialize your ambitions, have also served to stimulate others to go after their dreams and not to be defeated.

But today the energies of Mars and Pluto intersect, making you feel that the accompaniment made with the others has not helped you.

You will get angry and, because you cannot control your reaction, you will decide to throw everything away and stop supporting them in their goals.

As this could be unleashed in a bad way, I recommend that you be careful and avoid hurting susceptibilities.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, October


, 2020

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for October

Pisces 2020 Annual Horoscope

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-10-09

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