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The Chief Rabbi Ruled: The mezuzah weapons are strictly prohibited because of the corona eruption Israel today


Thousands of Israelis will be forced to stay in isolation in the coming days and weeks - Rabbis are required for religious issues in the synagogue

Thousands of Israelis will be forced to stay in solitary confinement in the coming days and weeks • The rabbis are required for religious issues: how to read "Zichron affair", what to do about baptism in the mikvah and more

The outbreak of the Corona virus and the isolation of fans exposed to the virus at Bloomfield Stadium in Tel Aviv raises widespread issues in dealing with the situation at the religious angle. In recent days, many rabbis have raised questions about ritual bathing in isolation and, of course, issues related to Purim - reading the "Zechora" affair The Knesset.

Photo: Election Commission

Chief Rabbi David Lowe held a meeting today with Minister of Health Jacob Yitzhak Litzman, CEO of his office Moshe Bar Seaman Tov and heads of the health system, regarding the halakhic implications of dealing with the corona virus, such as reading a scroll to people who were instructed to be in isolation and other halakhic issues that are emerging these days In light of Ministry of Health guidelines.

Among other things, the Chief Rabbi was instructed not to kiss mezuzahs due to the virus. "These days, when we are witnessing the spread of a serious illness, there is no doubt that mezuzas are unmatched and should not be touched at all. It is enough for a person to think as he enters and leaves the things that are written in the mezuzah, and that will accompany him later on. "

"Anyone who is in isolation and arrives at her baptism will not be baptized," states Rabbi Shlomo Hecht, spokesman for the Beit Hillel Rabbis. "Soul's counsel should be consulted on the soul's counsel regarding conduct until it is possible to get out of solitary confinement. It is easy and material that men will not dip at all when they are in solitary confinement." Similar guidelines were issued by the Ministry of Religion. Regarding memorials, the Kaddish statement and commemorative days, Rabbi Hecht says, "There is no quorum for solitary confinement, and doing so comes from his team with a serious offense.

This Saturday, the "Zechor" affair will be read in the synagogues. As part of this affair, every Jew commands "to remember what Amalek did to you on your way out of Egypt," remembering a people who tried to destroy the Israelites thousands of years ago. But this year there is a bigger challenge than usual - the Israelis who are in isolation cannot get to read this episode in the synagogue.

"From a halakhic point of view, those who need to be in solitary confinement are defined as rape in order to fulfill the relevant commandments," explains Rabbi Hecht. Although according to halakha the reading team is "Madurieta", which is mandatory according to the Torah, the teaching to the Corona patients and those in isolation is to stay home. "You should not leave the house for the sake of hearing the affair, and you can rely on the lenient opinions. It is possible and desirable to read alone in the home from the Pentateuch."

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, head of the Beit Midrash Academic Center, explains that although the Torah has a duty to hear the Torah and hear it in the synagogue, it is strictly forbidden to leave the house to do so because of the isolation. "Because the danger of the disease is severe, isolation should not be carried out when the person fears infection, and it is not necessary to bring a person who will read a Torah number for him."

The issue of Megillah reading is also critical when it comes to reading from Megillah and Biblical tastes, and this is where the rabbis needed creative solutions. "Reading a scroll does not require a full quorum, but a kosher scroll is necessary," Rabbi Hecht explains. "However, it is assumed that the viral infection may pass through objects, so it is impossible to insert a scroll into a person in isolation and take it later for morning reading. You can probably read the scroll to a patient in isolation through a door or window, and after taking safety measures."

Rabbi Rimon offers another solution that will allow the isolates to read the scroll without leaving home. "If there is a fear of contagion, the reading should be dispensed with. While the scroll can read itself from a parchment, and even if it does not know its flavors, it can accurately read the words from a parchment - out of compulsory. Camera and see on Skype or in other way the public scroll reading. This is not considered public prayer, however, it turns out there is a virtue. In this way, a person can hold a kosher scroll, and read with a word-reading owner. "

During Purim there are a number of commandments to be performed, but these are easier to perform in isolation. As far as sending packets and gifts to pardons, explains Rabbi Hecht, "It is possible to do both of these commandments with the help of a messenger. It is appropriate that the leaders of the congregations give their opinion to help individual people who are in isolation and need assistance - these two commandments are certainly relevant to those who are caught up in both the receiving and the receiving sides. ". Purim feast, can be eaten alone.

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-04

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