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Israel in Biological War: How the State Can Beat the Corona | Israel today


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The war against an invisible enemy requires a different approach • Among other things, it would be right to appoint a minister to lead the campaign against the spread of the virus, combined with a unique intelligence and logistical effort • And also: define the date of Passover as working time • Interpretation

The chaotic state of war against an invisible enemy, however biological warfare, requires a different mindset that underlies the notion that centralized control is weak and does not produce the necessary flexibility for its effective response, which will allow the rapid recovery of the economy and return to life.

Editing and Animation: Gilad Distelman

Continuing to think about a tight closure to prevent the spread of the corona epidemic requires the adoption of a different approach. This kind of closure strangles the economy and the citizen, significantly damaging the breathing space required in combat that will last over time. The destruction of the economy may be a factor that will require many years of rehabilitation, and hence a more flexible approach is required.

The work assumption in this article is that the medical system in Israel now has a consolidated snapshot of the rate of infection, and a section of specific localities. In addition, at this stage, it can be assumed that intelligence, including GSS surveys, provides a sharp enough resolution to conduct targeted isolation efforts against an infected population.

Under these assumptions, it is right to make a systemic decision and to act in a different way from what has happened so far. Since Prime Minister Netanyahu has taken precautionary measures by drastic decisions on returning overseas, reducing the economy to vital activity, and accelerating the pace of inspections alongside medical equipments - the campaign was centered under him as the Ministry of Health led the campaign.

Now, when the situation has stabilized politically, it is right to act differently. It is true that the prime minister will appoint a senior minister to lead the campaign. In this context, Minister Bennett is rightly thinking for two reasons - his actions so far have been creative, fast and effective, and underneath is the security system, the resource-rich, the operational capabilities and the logistical power.

The main effort at this stage is not medical - and this is where internalization is needed - the effort now is an effort of intelligence, control and logistics. The Ministry of Defense, through the IDF's medical units and in coordination with the health system, can operate at high intensity and bring the tests to a very high volume. Add to this the Ministry of Defense's natural operation interface with the GSS and you will have excellent effectiveness.

It is true that the prime minister will be responsible for the effort to address the Corona crisis in order to clear its actions to a higher level of thinking, international coordination and the establishment of the new government. At this time, the Ministry of Defense must lead the campaign against the spread of the virus - and return the economy to action as soon as possible.

Action policy from now on must be a decentralization of capabilities. It is right to divide the country into several areas of action: corona stricken, corona symptoms and clean corona. The policy of action in relation to each such space should receive a specific response: the definition of the head of space, the concentration of powers and capabilities (policing / intelligence / logistics / medical) tailored to the action. Similarly, each head of such space should be assigned differential intensities depending on the severity of the space, while maintaining reserves at the national level.

At the same time, there is a continuing effort to learn from developments in other countries, convene thinking teams and bring in more original ideas to ensure action effectiveness.

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How is the distributed campaign going? The task of each space head is to bring the adhesion curve to a state where it "kisses" to 0. Define traffic policy in each area: In which neighborhoods / streets is it necessary to define insulation, where to set a breathing block (ie, limited traffic option), and where to operate freely.

At the national level, a mandatory hygiene routine must be defined with rigorous guidelines requiring supervision - with emphasis on points to which masses are draining: health centers, food stores and the like. Each subspace will run independently and for 3-2 weeks. Where the infection rate aspires to 0, life can be restored to normal.

This policy will encourage citizens to keep, follow the guidelines with the understanding that in each neighborhood or proper behavior settlement will reopen life. Doing so would cause citizens to take responsibility out of motivation to return to normal life. Local leadership has a significant role to play in this regard.

It is right to think at the national level about the Passover period. After all, the health system's concern is against mass exodus from the homes, and thus returning the plague to an infectious rate of infection. This thought makes sense but another thought can be offered, and it is canceling the time off. After all, the freedom of activity for families in freedom at this time is almost zero. It is right to set the deadline as working time, to return to school remotely, and to allow this week to be part of the gradual return to action.

This time requires a different thinking about many areas that have been taboo in our lives. The modes of action, the form of control, the allocation of national resources, free and restricted spaces and more. In doing so, it is also true to think about our vacations. At this time, the Israeli citizen does not seem to be looking for more hours at home. These decisions are binding at the national level. Now that the political system is back in action, it's time to shape our lives in a way that fits our challenge.

It is worth noting the situation as it is: the rate of infection of the Corona epidemic is under control in the State of Israel, and the death rates are very low relative to the rest of the Western world. Under this understanding, it is right to act differently and encourage citizens to behave properly and responsibly. Life will return to normal faster if we concentrate our efforts correctly. In the way described, it is possible to get back to a reasonable routine. The State of Israel knew how to do this in times of incessant terrorist attacks - and knew how to do it against the Corona.

The writer is a former brigade commander in the IDF, currently investigating military and company relations

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2020-03-30

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