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Boris Johnson spends fourth night in intensive care unit - new details known


The Corona crisis in the UK is escalating and the numbers are reaching a new record. Prime Minister Boris Johnson needs ICU treatment for Covid-19.

The Corona crisis in the UK is escalating and the numbers are reaching a new record. Prime Minister Boris Johnson needs ICU treatment for Covid-19.

  • The corona virus * is also spreading in the UK.
  • Prime Minister Boris Johnson's health has deteriorated. He is in the intensive care unit.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the corona virus and the previous Corona news from Great Britain. You will also find current case numbers worldwide and the latest developments in Germany.

Coronavirus in the UK: Boris Johnson spends fourth night in intensive care

April 9 update, 6:38 a.m .: Great Britain is facing a warm Easter weekend. Temperatures of up to 25 degrees are expected. Boris Johnson has been in intensive care for Covid-19 for five days . It is up to his representative Dominic Raab to signal that the strict measures will continue beyond the next week.

Given the long Easter weekend, ministers fear that relaxing the stringent measures would have an immediate impact on British behavior. According to the British media, a "Stay at Easter" campaign is to be carried out.

There are 60,733 cases of coronavirus registered in the UK, according to Johns Hopkins University. 7,097 people died in connection with the new lung disease Covid-19 (as of April 9, 7 a.m.).

April 8 update, 9:42 p.m .: There is again news about the health of Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson , which is a relief: The health of the politician who has contracted Covid-19 has apparently improved . Although he is still in the intensive care unit, he can "sit up in bed" and talk to the nurses, Finance Minister Rishi Sunak said at a press conference on Wednesday.

Corona in the UK: Over 7,000 total deaths from Covid-19

Meanwhile, there is less hope in the number of corona deaths in the UK. It continued to increase dramatically . By Tuesday evening, 938 deaths had been recorded in the UK, the Department of Health in London said. Overall , the number of corona deaths rose to more than 7000 .

Update, 5:29 p.m .: The British are not only worried about their Corona-infected Prime Minister Boris Johnson , bus drivers are now also considered to be at risk there . In the British capital, London , 14 public transport workers died of Covid-19 lung disease , including nine bus drivers.

In future, passengers in many buses should only be allowed to get in through the middle door and no longer in front, the transport company Transport for London announced on Wednesday. First of all, this procedure should be tested for a month. Drivers had previously complained that they didn't feel adequately protected.

Compared to the same period in the previous year, the number of passengers on the buses decreased by 85 percent. The London bus drivers receive praise and recognition from their mayor. Sadiq Khan recently called her a hero.

Corona: News from Downing Street - that's how Boris Johnson is doing

Update, 2:48 pm : "The Prime Minister is clinically stable and the treatment is working," announced the government seat in Downing Street in a message. Boris Johnson received oxygen treatment, but was able to breathe on his own, was in a good mood and was able to maintain the contacts that were important to him. But he doesn't work from the intensive care unit. Relocation to the intensive care unit is not uncommon for Covid 19 patients , according to experts in Great Britain. Nevertheless: "The development undoubtedly shows that Boris Johnson is very sick," said Professor of Medical Imaging from University College in London, Derek Hill.

In London , 15 public transport company employees related to Covid-19 have died, including nine bus drivers . After complaints from bus drivers that they were not adequately protected, passengers are now only allowed to enter through the middle doors, not at the front.

Corona in the UK: Ascot horse racing will take place without an audience

Update, 12.40 p.m .: The traditional horse race in Ascot - a highlight at the end of June in Great Britain - will certainly take place this year without spectators, the organizers have announced. The health authorities and the British Horse Racing Authority will have to decide in due course whether “Royal Ascot” can be held without spectators.

Update of April 8, 9:46 am: "The next two weeks will be crucial in Boris Johnson's struggle for survival," the Times writes. Unlike many speculations in the past few days, his infection was not due to shaking hands with Covid 19 patients in hospitals in early March, but to another Cobra cluster in mid-March - "as stupid as that was," she writes Times continues.

Meanwhile, concern about the government's ability to act is growing. The Guardian reports that Johnson's representative, Dominic Raab, does not have extensive decision-making powers, but is dependent on parliamentary approval.

Update from April 8, 6:31 a.m .: Is there already cause for optimism? As the English newspaper The Times reports, the high fever of Prime Minister Boris Johnson infected with the corona virus has dropped significantly. There is reason to be confident, it is said from government circles.

Corona: Boris Johnson in the hospital - German politician scoffs and reaps anger

Update of April 7, 10:30 p.m .: According to his spokesman, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson , who was transferred to the intensive care unit because of his coronavirus infection, is still in stable condition . "The prime minister's health is stable and he remains in intensive care for close observation," said his spokesman on Tuesday evening. Johnson was "in a good mood".

Update of April 7, 7:05 p.m .: Boris Johnson is suffering from an apparently severe Covid 19 disease : The British prime minister is currently in the intensive care unit of a London hospital . Regardless of the threatening health dimension, the case is also bitter because Johnson had long talked about the dangers of the corona virus.

A tweet by the German MEP and satirist Martin Sonneborn (PARTEI) on the topic now causes sometimes violent reactions - even into the top German policy: It is obviously once again about the limits of what is allowed for satire. "Boris Johnson in the hospital; British humor. ZwinkerSmiley! “, Wrote Sonneborn on Monday afternoon - before the announcement of Johnson's transfer to the intensive care unit.

The FDP deputy Konstantin Kuhle then called Sonneborn on Twitter the "Xavier Naidoo of political satire. He has always been terrible ”- CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak supported this attitude with a like.

Meanwhile, Sonneborn defended himself: Johnson had done more violence to the world than he himself with "a little tweet". A little bit of glee if the herd immunity of the "stupid leader is first caught" should be allowed. The deputy CSU general secretary Florian Hahn reacted horrified. "Contempt for human beings under the cover of satire," he accused Sonneborn.

Contempt for human beings under the guise of satire. Bragging about malicious joy even though a person in the intensive care unit is fighting for his life, says everything about the mindset of MP @MartinSonneborn. # COVID2019de #Europe #PrayForBoris

- Florian Hahn (@hahnflo) April 7, 2020

Coronavirus: Prime Minister in intensive care - Deputy Raab believes in "fighter" Johnson

Update from April 7, 6:39 pm: How bad is it really with Boris Johnson ? As Britain's Secretary of State Dominic Raab explains, Johnson is in a stable condition. However, it will continue to be supplied with oxygen. The prime minister is being monitored in the intensive care unit, but so far he has not had to be connected to an official device.

As the British media consistently report, Raab said at the daily press conference that the premier's illness was a shock to the entire cabinet. In the statement, Raab said: "If I know anything about this prime minister, it is that he is a fighter."

Boris Johnson in intensive care unit - now there is a new message about his condition

April 7 update, 2:45 pm: Prime Minister Boris Johnson's health is stable, government officials say . A government spokesman had commented on the state of the premier in London on Tuesday.

So far, the 55-year-old has not had to be connected to a ventilation machine. The head of government is supplied with oxygen, but "breathes independently without any support".

Corona in the UK: concern for Johnson big - Secretary of State Michael Gove in self-isolation

Update from April 7, 1:35 pm: Now the British Minister of State Michael Gove has gone into self-isolation. A family member suffers from mild corona symptoms, Gove said on Tuesday in the short message service Twitter . "I have no symptoms and continue to work normally."

Several members of the government are already affected by the pandemic. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is still in the intensive care unit of St. Thomas' Hospital in London. Health Minister Matt Hancock and government medical advisor Chris Whitty have survived their infection.

Many thanks for kind messages. In accordance with the guidance, I am isolating at home after a member of my family started to display mild symptoms of coronavirus on Sunday. I have not displayed any symptoms and am continuing to work as normal. #StayHomeSaveLives

- Michael Gove (@michaelgove) April 7, 2020

Update of April 7, 6:08 a.m .: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (55) was transferred to the intensive care unit in London's St. Thomas' Hospital on Monday evening at 7 p.m. His condition suddenly deteriorated so much. However, Johnson is conscious, British media report. As The Guardian reports, this was a precaution. Johnson would receive oxygen through a non-invasive mask - i.e. not artificially ventilated. Intensive care beds are usually reserved for seriously ill Covid 19 patients. Downing Street, on the other hand, did not provide information about the exact condition of the 55-year-old.

His pregnant fiancee Carrie Symonds , according to The Guardian, has recovered from coronavirus symptoms and is said to be very concerned about Johnson's condition.

Queen Elizabeth II (93) was therefore informed of the situation.

Politicians from all over the world wished him a quick recovery at night (see below). US President Donald Trump was dismayed by the news from London. "It was just so shocking to see," Trump said at a press conference in the White House. "You know what that means, intensive care is a big deal in terms of what we're talking about. It's a very big deal, a very scary thing. ”

Johnson hired Secretary of State Dominic Raab to represent him where necessary, a government spokeswoman said.

Corona: Prime Minister Boris Johnson "deteriorated condition"

Update from April 6, 11:10 p.m .: Boris Johnson's apparently serious health condition triggers great sympathy among former and current top politicians. For example, Johnson's predecessor Theresa May said late on Twitter on Twitter that her “thoughts and prayers” were with Johnson. French President Emmanuel Macron declared "all support" to the sick head of government, his family and the British people.

My thoughts and prayers are with @BorisJohnson and his family as he continues to receive treatment in hospital.

This horrific virus does not discriminate. Anyone can get it. Anyone can spread it. Please #StayHomeSaveLives

- Theresa May (@theresa_may) April 6, 2020

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert had already asked Johnson in the afternoon on behalf of Chancellor Angela Merkel "much strength and get well soon" - however, at this point it was not yet known whether the premier would be transferred to the intensive care unit.

Corona: Boris Johnson transferred to intensive care unit - great concern for British Prime Minister

Update, 9:18 p.m .: Concern about Boris Johnson is growing: As the BBC now reports, the British prime minister has been transferred to the intensive care unit. The symptoms of Covid19 disease had increased over the course of Monday. Johnson has asked Secretary of State Dominic Raab to represent him in official affairs , the station reports, citing a government spokesman.

According to the Guardian , Johnson is currently conscious. As a precaution, he had been transferred to the intensive care unit - as a precautionary measure in the event that the 55-year-old had to be ventilated.

In early March, the prime minister bragged about shaking hands in a hospital, including Covid 19 patients. He would continue to do that, he said at the time.

Boris Johnson in intensive care: Downing Street publishes official statement

A spokesman issued the following official statement a few minutes ago: “Since Sunday evening, the Prime Minister has been under the care of doctors at St. Thomas Hospital in London after he was previously taken in with persistent symptoms of the coronavirus.

During the afternoon, the prime minister's condition deteriorated and, on the advice of his medical team, he was transferred to the hospital's intensive care unit.

The Prime Minister has asked Foreign Minister Dominic Raab, who is also First Secretary of State (senior minister; editor's note), to represent him where necessary.

The Prime Minister receives excellent treatment and thanks all NHS employees for their hard work and dedication. ”

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson in the hospital - Premier continues to tweet

Update 3:45 pm: Although he had been infected with the corona virus ten days ago and had to spend the night in a London clinic, according to his latest tweets Boris Johnson is in a "good mood". He continues to work closely with his team to contain the corona pandemic . The British head of government had been referred to a clinic on the advice of his doctor "for some routine tests". The 55-year-old is still suffering from the persistent symptoms, as he writes on Twitter.

I'd like to say thank you to all the brilliant NHS staff taking care of me and others in this difficult time. You are the best of Britain.

Stay safe everyone, and please remember to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

- Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 6, 2020

In a follow-up tweet, Johnson thanked the “brilliant employees” of the British health system, “who take care of me and others in this difficult time”. Johnson described her as "the best of Britain". After a week of self-isolation, Johnson was admitted to a clinic on Sunday evening, where, according to the Times, he is being oxygenated.

In Germany, 100,000 people are now infected with the corona virus - Angela Merkel commented on the "exit date". Meanwhile, criticism of Sweden's special path in the corona crisis is growing louder. Does it lead directly to a "catastrophe"?

Boris Johnson hospitalized - government announcement clarifies reasons

10 a.m. update: Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson spent the night of Monday due to Covid 19 disease * in a London clinic, where he was to be examined closely . Despite his current condition, Johnson continued to run the solitary deal in isolation. The Prime Minister looked exhausted on videos that had been shown in the meantime.

Last night, on the advice of my doctor, I went into hospital for some routine tests as I'm still experiencing coronavirus symptoms. I'm in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team, as we work together to fight this virus and keep everyone safe.

- Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 6, 2020

The British Prime Minister said on Friday that he was feeling better, but that he still had a fever. Now Johnson's lungs are probably being examined using various methods. According to British media, tests are also carried out on heart, liver and kidney function and a blood count is taken.

"It is a precautionary step because the prime minister still has symptoms * ten days after he tested positive for the coronavirus *," said a government statement on Friday evening. Boris Johnson announced his corona infection on March 27 and then went into self-isolation in his office.

Corona: Prime Minister Johnson in clinic - Donald Trump speaks out

Update 8.14 a.m .: Is Boris Johnson doing worse than initially reported? According to the "Guardian", it should have been known last week that Johnson was worse off than officially known. Accordingly, he was regularly monitored by doctors who were concerned about his breathing. The government denied this, however.

As BBC reports, Johnson is said to stay in the clinic overnight. Foreign Minister Dominic Raab (46) said the report will host the government's next coronavirus meeting.

Update of April 6, 6:40 am : Boris Johnson (55) went to a London hospital for treatment on Sunday evening. Just a precautionary measure for the UK Prime Minister, who has had a coronavirus infection for over a week. The concern: People who have Covid-19 symptoms for more than a week can develop pneumonia . To rule out this risk, Johnson would now be treated in a clinic.
US President Donald Trump was "sure" that Johnson would recover. He described the prime minister as his "friend" and "great" statesman.
Johnson had initially rejected strict measures against the spread of the coronavirus. Now there is a curfew in the country. Monday morning there are 47,806 Corona cases registered in the UK, according to Johns Hopkins University . The death toll is 4,934. 135 corona sufferers have recovered (as of April 6, 7 a.m.).

Corona in the UK: Johnson hospitalized

Update of April 5, 10:27 p.m .: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been hospitalized for his Covid 19 disease . This was announced by the seat of government Downing Street in London on Sunday evening at the request of the German press agency.

As the BBC writes, Johnson continues to suffer from " persistent symptoms " ten days after his positive test and also has a fever, a spokeswoman is quoted as saying. However, this is only a preventive step to carry out further tests.

"On the advice of his doctor, the Prime Minister was hospitalized tonight for testing," the spokeswoman said.

Johnson tested positive for the coronavirus on March 27 and has been quarantined at home ever since.

Update 9:14 pm: In the middle of the Corona crisis , the Queen made one of her rare speeches. Elizabeth II thanked the nurses, but also the citizens who stayed at home these days. "If we stick together, we will make it," said the Queen on Sunday evening. She appealed to the British sense of community and spoke of a “strength” of the British that future generations will look back on.

In Germany, however, the number of infected people has risen to over 100,000.

Corona in Great Britain: Queen shares personal experiences when speaking

Around the world, heartwarming actions are currently being seen to see how citizens come together and help each other. "It reminds me of the first broadcast I did in 1940 with the help of my sister," the Queen shared a very personal memory with the citizens. As children, the two princesses made a speech from the Kensington Palace, which was broadcast on the radio. They spoke to children who had to leave their homes because of the evacuation measures during World War II, "and were sent away for their safety. As then, many people today will find it painful to separate from their loved ones, ”said the Queen. "But today as then, we know that it is the right measure."

Nevertheless, the current situation differs from everything that has existed before. Because you share the task with the whole world. "We'll make it," she said. "We will be back with our friends, we will be back with our families, we will meet again," the Queen concluded her appeal to the British people to hold out.


Coronavirus in the UK: The Queen addresses the nation with a speech.

© dpa / Buckingham Palace

Corona in Great Britain: Sad death record - now the Queen speaks to the British

Update 6:12 p.m .: While the Queen, who is otherwise otherwise reserved in political matters, will speak on Sunday evening, the top health expert of the Scottish government scored a violent own goal in the Corona crisis .

Catherine Calderwood admitted on Sunday that she drove to her family's country house on two consecutive weekends. Previously, the newspaper Scottish Sun had published photos of the expert from a popular destination on the coast. "I didn't follow the advice I gave to others," Calderwood said at a press conference. "I am very sorry."

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon spoke out against Calderwood's resignation as Chief Medical Adviser. Calderwood offered to do whatever was in the country's interest, Sturgeon said. "In my view, that would not be your resignation," said the politicians.

The address can be followed live on the YouTube channel of the British royal family.

Corona in Great Britain: Sad death record - Queen turns to the people today with a speech

Update at 1:03 p.m .: Carrie Symonds , the pregnant fiancé of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson , has reportedly spent a week in bed with Covid 19 symptoms . The 32-year-old former communications chief of the Conservative Party said on Saturday on her Twitter channel.

Although her fiancé Johnson is infected with Covid-19, she has not been tested . "After seven days of rest, I feel stronger and on the mend," says Symonds. She added that it is obviously worrying to be pregnant with Covid-19 . She also shared an online information brochure with her followers. "Please read and follow the latest guidelines, which I found very reassuring," she recommended to Twitter users.

Being pregnant with Covid-19 is obviously worrying. To other pregnant women, please do read and follow the most up to date guidance which I found to be v reassuring:

- Carrie Symonds (@carriesymonds) April 4, 2020

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic can be felt across Europe. However, one country does not want to know anything about it and denies Covid-19.

Update of April 5, 8.55 a.m .: The British are to face the Coronavirus pandemic with characteristic British self-discipline and quiet determination . Queen Elizabeth II (93) wants to call her people in a speech on Sunday evening. "I hope that in the coming years everyone can be proud of how they dealt with this challenge," the Queen will say in her speech to the British people and the Commonwealth.

This comes from excerpts of speech published in advance by Buckhingham Palace. The Queen's planned speech is seen by observers as a sign that the government is increasingly concerned about the rapidly increasing number of deaths from Covid-19.

Corona in the UK: 708 dead within 24 hours on Saturday

On Saturday, the UK Department of Health recorded 708 deaths, the highest number of deaths in a day . A total of 4,313 people in British hospitals have died of the new lung disease Covid-19, including a five-year-old child . According to media reports, he is said to be the youngest victim of the corona pandemic in Great Britain.

The Queen's speech will be broadcast this Sunday at 9 p.m. Central European Time (8 p.m. local time). The Queen would also thank the employees of the National Health Service NHS and other people who are particularly challenged in the crisis.

Update of April 4, 8:25 p.m .: Due to the terrible situation in Great Britain in the Corona crisis, Queen Elizabeth II announced that she would address her people in a speech on Sunday evening (9 p.m. Central European Time). In the 68-year term of office, the Queen only addressed her people three times in this way. The fourth speech by the 93-year-old monarch is recorded at Windsor Castle, where she currently resides.

Corona in Great Britain: Five-year-old child dies - Queen with speech

So far there have been three occasions for unscheduled speeches by the Queen : in 1991 she spoke to her people about the Gulf War, and in 1997 she also gave a speech on television after the death of Princess Diana. There was also a speech after her mother's death, "Queen Mom".

In her speech, the Queen wants to address the people of Great Britain and the 54-seed Commonwealth. The Queen usually gives a traditional Christmas address, otherwise she is reluctant to perform.

Update of April 4, 6:10 p.m .: As the British Secretary of State Michael Gove announced on Saturday at a press conference in London, a five-year-old child with pre-existing conditions died of Covid-19 in Great Britain. In Britain, the youngest fatality resulting from the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus was a 13-year-old.

Meanwhile, the number of coronavirus deaths has risen rapidly over the course of the day. While there were 3,611 deaths on Saturday morning, there are now more than 4,300 (as of 6:08 p.m.).

The number of infected people has risen again. According to John Hopkins University , there are currently 42,433 cases.

Woman describes the tragic corona death of her brother - "Save yourself from the pain"

Update of April 4, 9:35 a.m .: 38,690 infected and 3,611 deaths - these are the current corona figures for Great Britain (source: Johns Hopkins University, status: 9:35 a.m.). One of the Covid-19 dead is 65-year-old David Harris . In an emotional Facebook posting, his sister draws attention to her brother's fate - and at the same time makes an urgent appeal to the public.

Harris initially showed only mild corona symptoms last week. However, the Englishman calls an ambulance to clarify this. This takes him to the hospital, where he was immediately put into a coma , as his sister described on Facebook . The kidneys failed two days later and the lungs shortly thereafter. From then on, machines had to ventilate him artificially, Brokenshaw writes.

“This afternoon it was decided that the doctors could not do anything for him anymore and that he would not recover. Life support measures were discontinued and he died peacefully at 2:00 p.m., ”Harris' sister reported in her posting, which she wrote on March 25. She was preparing for a difficult time and emotionally said goodbye to her brother in her post. "He was a loving partner, father, brother, grandpa, uncle, great uncle and friend for so many," she wrote.

Particularly dramatic: No family member was allowed to be with Harris in his last hours. That would have contradicted the isolation rules for Covid 19 diseases, explains Brokenshaw. Then she calls on Facebook users to take action to combat the corona virus. “We are all required to abide by these rules. So make it easy! ”Writes the Englishwoman.

Corona: Sister of Covid-19 victims makes emotional appeal to English

And further: “Save yourself from the pain we are experiencing right now by sticking to it. My brother was not just a number in the statistics, ”she warns her readers and calls them to share their post in order to reach as many people as possible. The posting on Facebook met with a tremendous response: More than 267,000 people have now responded to Brokenshaw's call and shared the post .

Harris initially showed only mild corona symptoms last week. However, the Englishman calls an ambulance to clarify this. This takes him to the hospital, where he was immediately put into a coma , as his sister described on Facebook. The kidneys failed two days later, and his lungs shortly thereafter. From then on, machines had to ventilate him artificially , Brokenshaw writes.

Corona in the UK: David Harris died alone due to isolation rules

“This afternoon it was decided that the doctors could not do anything for him anymore and that he would not recover. Life support measures were discontinued and he died peacefully at 2:00 p.m., ”Harris' sister reported in her posting, which she wrote on March 25. She was preparing for a difficult time and emotionally said goodbye to her brother in her post. "He was a loving partner, father, brother, grandpa, uncle, great uncle and friend for so many," she wrote.

Particularly dramatic: No family member was allowed to be with Harris in his last hours. That would have contradicted the isolation rules for Covid 19 diseases, explains Brokenshaw. Then she calls on Facebook users to take action to combat the corona virus. “We are all required to abide by these rules. So make it easy! ”Writes the Englishwoman.

Corona: Sister of Covid-19 victims makes emotional appeal to English

And further: “Save yourself from the pain we are experiencing right now by sticking to it. My brother was not just a number in the statistics, ”she warns her readers and calls them to share their post in order to reach as many people as possible. The posting on Facebook met with a tremendous response: More than 267,000 people have now responded to Brokenshaw's call and shared the post .

Update of April 3, 10:25 p.m .: New horror figures on the corona pandemic * are also published every day in the United Kingdom . The UK Department of Health in London hit a new daily high . On Friday, 684 deaths were recorded within 24 hours, the death toll now stands at 3611, which means that the UK overtakes China, the country of origin, which currently has 3,326 deaths.

Update of April 3, 5:25 p.m .: A temporary hospital recently opened in London, which is designed for 4,000 patients. It was set up in a trade fair hall in just nine days, and Prince Charles inaugurated the so-called Nightingale Hospital by video message. The improvised hospital is named after the British founder of modern nursing Florence Nightingale.

Video: Field hospital in London-Johnson has an increase

Corona crisis in Great Britain: new makeshift clinic opens in exhibition hall

The clinic is "a bright light in these dark times," said heir to the throne Prince Charles at the opening. Queen Elizabeth II's eldest son had tested positive for the coronavirus * and has already quarantined. In the UK, more than 2,900 people have died of Covid-19 lung disease, and authorities have more than 33,700 infections detected. Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Health Minister Matt Hancock also tested positive for the novel corona virus.

The new NHS Nightingale Hospital in #London was built in just 9 days and has space for 4,000 #Corona patients.

- Andreas Hallaschka (@Hallaschka_HH) April 3, 2020

It is the first of several makeshift hospitals in the UK to treat coronavirus patients, serving 16,000 people. With 4000 beds, Nightingale Hospital can hold ten times more than the average British clinic.

Update of April 3, 2:45 p.m .: Due to the Corona crisis and the associated lower air traffic , London's Heathrow Airport will close one of its two runways from Monday . The measure is about increasing resilience and security for employees, passengers, and cargo during the Covid 19 outbreak, a spokesman for Europe's largest airport said late Thursday evening, according to a report by the PA news agency. The two runways would be used alternately weekly from Monday.

Even if there are significantly fewer flights worldwide, the airport will remain open, said the spokesman. It could continue to play an essential role in providing vital medical supplies and food for the country during this unprecedented pandemic.

Corona crisis in Great Britain: Heathrow and British Airways have responded to the corona crisis

In addition to those responsible at Heathrows Airport, British Airways has also responded to the effects of the corona crisis. The airline is now temporarily releasing 28,000 employees . This corresponds to 60 percent of the entire workforce, the union Unite announced on Thursday. However, there should not be any layoffs.

The airline and union agreed, according to Unite, to avail themselves of a UK government corona aid program that would continue to pay 80 percent of the salaries to the released employees. In addition, Unite announced that there would be no agreement on monthly salary caps, unpaid leave and layoffs during the crisis. The agreement has yet to be approved by British Airways union members.

Update of April 2, 9:00 p.m .: Due to the rise in corona infections *, the British government has announced that it will increase its test capacities . The number of daily tests is to be increased to 100,000 a day by the end of the month. Britain's Health Minister Matt Hancock said this at a press conference in London on Thursday. All types of tests are included in the number.

UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock says he wants to introduce "100,000 tests per day by the end of this month"

"It is a war of which all of humanity is on the same side ... we will prevail"

- BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) April 2, 2020

Corona in England: lack of tests to be remedied - over 500 deaths in one day

The announced test offensive in London was, however, received with skepticism by the journalists, since current efforts have so far been slow. Great Britain is far behind other countries in the number of tests. In the country as a whole, around 163,000 people were tested for the coronavirus * by Thursday. Around 918,000 tests have been carried out in Germany so far last week. Hancock himself had been infected with the novel virus and had come into public view for the first time at that press conference.

The UK saw an increase in deaths from Covid-19 to 2921 , with Thursday's 569 deaths registered . Almost 34,000 people have been tested positive for the virus so far, actual numbers are likely to be higher due to the lack of tests.

Corona crisis in Great Britain: severe criticism of Johnson

First announcement of April 2: Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under increasing pressure to deal with the Corona crisis. Critics accuse the British government, among other things, that far too few corona tests are carried out and that thousands of ventilators for the Covid 19 * lung sufferers are still missing. In the British media, the Johnson government is accused of serious strategy deficiencies .

Corona in England: Boris Johnson is under massive pressure

According to this, 550,000 employees of the state health service NHS (National Health Service), for example, only tested the corona pathogen in 2000. The statistics on the tests * are a humiliation for government officials, media commented. Professor Paul Cosford, emeritus medical director for public health in England, criticized BBC on Thursday: "Everyone involved is frustrated." Johnson said on Wednesday night in a video message via Twitter that the number of tests will increase massively must.

Here's an update to bring you up to speed on some of the things that we are doing to protect our NHS.

We will beat coronavirus together by staying at home, protecting our NHS and saving lives. #StayHomeSaveLives

- Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 1, 2020

The government's announcements and reality are also far apart when it comes to procuring ventilators. The order for several thousand devices was actually announced. A BBC spokeswoman is now clearly surprised to read a government announcement that a consortium of companies had produced 30 new devices, reports ntv .

Coronavirus in England: doctors have to decide who is ventilated

In the meantime, clinicians have also been given instructions to decide, in view of the scarce resources, in which patients it is worth using a ventilator - and who cannot be ventilated. As a result, doctors in England, like previously in Italy *, have to make the decision about life and death - a so-called triage *.

British Medical Association (BMA) ethics committee chief John Chisholm said: "Nobody wants to make such decisions, but when resources are overwhelming, those decisions have to be made."

British media - including conservatives - consistently criticized the government's lack of strategy on its front pages on Thursday. The Independent newspaper headlined "Questions, but no answers", the Times wrote about "chaos in plans for virus tests" and the Daily Mail about a "test scandal".

In Bavaria, too, the number of corona cases that open in Bavaria's hospitals is increasing. Both in the intensive care units and overall. Siegfried Hasenbein, the managing director of the Bavarian Hospital Association (BKG), is now warning of a lack of protective equipment *. In North Rhine-Westphalia, a virologist wants to track down the number of unreported cases *. A case in China puzzles the researchers because of the course of the disease - was it a mutation?

rjs / dpa

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

Rubric list image: © dpa / Matt Dunham

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-04-09

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