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NDR virologist Ciesek warns against trivializing the coronavirus - interview triggers wave of protests


NDR virologist Sandra Ciesek talks about the latest corona studies, her personal experiences in Italy and why men are threatened with a more severe course.

NDR virologist Sandra Ciesek talks about the latest corona studies, her personal experiences in Italy and why men are threatened with a more severe course.

  • In the

    Spiegel interview


    virologist Sandra Ciesek speaks

    about the latest developments





  • She warns urgently against playing down

    the dangers

  • Meanwhile,



    , the

    interview is


    major protests

    under the hashtag #frauenquote

Munich - The coronavirus numbers

continue to

rise across






has more and more

record numbers

to report.

In order to classify the developments,

virologists have

become our constant companions during the pandemic: whether in the headlines, on TV talk shows or in podcasts.

Christian Drosten has now even been awarded the Federal Cross of


for his educational work on the



Alternating with Drosten, virologist Sandra Ciesek has also been heard regularly on the NDR


since September


As director of the

Institute for Medical Virology

at the 

Frankfurt University Hospital

 , Ciesek knows what she is talking about.

She teaches at the

Goethe University

and has recently been on the

board of the Society for Virology


In a controversial interview with Der Spiegel, she talks about the latest studies and developments.

I'm looking forward to working with @NDRinfo and supporting this great podcast in the future: "Coronavirus Update" now with Drosten and Ciesek

- Sandra Ciesek (@CiesekSandra) August 27, 2020

Virologist warns of trivializing coronavirus and recalls horror scenarios in Italy

Her clear motto:


must not just be swept under the table,


or not.

“For me, every single life counts,” explains the



The question of

restrictive measures




spread of the coronavirus

is an ethical one for Ciesek.

"Is everyone prepared to limit themselves so that as few people as possible

die of



As a warning, the virologist talks about her

personal experiences in Italy



virus had

hit particularly hard here.

We only remember the shocking pictures from Bergamo, where in March the coffins of the

coronavirus dead

had to be removed

by a truck of the 

Italian army

en masse.

"So many people there have lost someone in their family, many are still in shock." The numbers are also rising dramatically again.

The virologist warns against ignoring the dangers of the virus.

It is "really tiring how the

standard knowledge

about the

dangerousness of

the new coronavirus is questioned again and again." After all, the death rate is also rising in Germany.

Virologist on Corona in Germany: That's why Denmark is a good example

A good

example for Germany

, straight from the neighborhood, could be



Sandra Ciesek emphasizes how well the measures have helped there recently.

In fact, the strong

increase in the number of cases was

slowed down

in Denmark



Danish measures

, incidentally, are very similar to the new, adopted for Bayern regulations: The restaurants and bars close at 22 o'clock, there is a mouth guard duty in certain areas, celebrations and meetings with more than 50 persons are prohibited.

New study on the coronavirus: This is why men are more likely to have a more severe disease course

In addition to her “

Safe Kids Study

” on the spread of viruses in daycare centers,




about a

study by her colleague Jean-Laurent Casanova


Rockefeller University


Above all, it warns men of a serious course of the disease.

In patients with such a course,

special autoantibodies were


They are particularly present in men.

"That could explain why they suffer from severe disease significantly more often than women."

We have been silent for a while because our lab and the CHGE were entirely focused on finishing 'twin papers' in @ScienceMagazine about inborn errors of type I IFN or auto-antibodies to type I IFN in nearly 15% of patients with life-threatening # COVID19 😀

- Casanova Lab (@casanova_lab) September 24, 2020

"Quota woman" - massive criticism of the Spiegel interview with Sandra Ciesek: virologist speaks up


Spiegel interview


Sandra Ciesek

did not

cause a

stir because of the professional assessments or information.

On the


and especially on Twitter, the

questions posed by the authors


Veronika Hackenbroch


Rafaela von Bredow)

caused a real

shit storm


They started the conversation with the question “Do you realize that you are the

quota woman

?” And described the style of their podcast as “adult education center”.

Many ask themselves: why does

gender have to




and not the

expertise of




After the


grew louder and louder




spoke up


As Vice Dean for Young Scientists and Diversity, I consider gender discussions to be right and important.

With the interview, I actually wanted to contribute professionally (virologically) on the subject of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and clarification.

There is much to do!

- Sandra Ciesek (@CiesekSandra) October 17, 2020

These are underground questions from @derspiegel.

The proven stereotypes towards women do not stop at an outstanding scientist.

They will only subside when we see more women in leadership positions.

Keep up!

#Now is it #I will

- Jutta Allmendinger (@JA_Allmendinger) October 17, 2020


sociologist Jutta Allmedinger was also

angry about the “underground questions” in the


Not only do various authors, politicians and journalists agree: thousands of users are angry.

Under the hashtag

#quotenfrau they

express themselves in over

1,800 tweets

on the topic.

In the future,

Sandra Ciesek will

no longer be


only as the "

woman at Drosten's side

", but will be recognized for her specialist knowledge.

* is part of the Germany-wide Ippen digital editorial network

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-10-19

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