Dani, originally from Florida, who now lives in Los Angeles, spent £3,169 ($4,000) on a wedding to marry herself after embarking on a "self-love journey" Dani says that she never understood what a man's part is on the wedding day because it is "the whole event about the bride" The practice of sologamy as an act of self-love and self-acceptance can allow women to accept and love themselves without falling into the traps of social pressure surrounding traditional marriage. Solopathy represents a form of challenging the patriarchy.

On the other hand, if the practice comes from fear of commitment or a painful past, it becomes unhelpful and can sometimes even prevent the person from building long-term balanced relationships. "I will continue to inspire women and show little girls that loving themselves is the most beautiful thing that they can do," Dani says. "There is a difference between narcissism and self love," says Dani. "As long as she's happy, that's all that matters"