Inflation is falling, but it is still the highest in the world. Poverty also increases: from 2006 to today, it went from 27% to 42%.

In that same period, Chile lowered it from 29% to only 7%. A family needed $773,385 in March to not be poor, according to a report by an economist at the Torcuato Di Tella University. The report points out as causes the fiscal deficit, corruption, inefficiency, protectionism and the lack of tax, pension and labor reform. It is clear that the Milei administration is disruptive and that its own survival is at stake. If we will continue envying Chile and Uruguay that they maintained rational public policies, we will be praying someday that it will not happen to us, says Juan Carlos Varela. The tragedy clearly represents the severity, antiquity and depth of the economic crisis, says Vareal. The government is worried: it came from a 3.5% inflation rate in March, and the government is celebrating.