The world of influencers has brought coupon codes into our lives. We are so used to being satisfied with what is given, with crumbs.

This is true for every aspect of our lives, with special emphasis on all that is said for service from professionals. I understand service. I also provide service. I give myself as a freelancer 100% and sometimes even 200% to clients. And I really can't understand how there are those who accept our money and allow themselves that we will be taken for granted by them. I actually know how - because we give it to them. We stand by helpless, hands drooping, and mouth drooping even more and praying for a miracle. Most of the time, we are only going backwards in our efforts to improve the quality of our service. We have made progress in many areas; here we are going backwards. It is time to change the way we treat each other. It's time for a new generation of service providers to come forward and take responsibility.