Gabriel Rufián is the ERC spokesperson in Congress. After four months of paternity leave, he has returned with his usual biting verb and that unorthodox style within the independence camp.

“My job is to speak to those outside, to those who do not listen to us yet, but who can sympathize,” he explains. ERC now demands unique financing for Catalonia, something that many people on the left see as unsupportive. The relationship with the PSOE has always been complicated, because it has to be squeezed, he says. The left has to do pedagogy and fill refrigerators, and not so much anger and great concepts, he adds. The right needs their countries to do poorly, whether it is true or not, he argues. The only thing they see is other people fighting. What affects the most is what happens closest to you, says Ruf ián, and what is your formula to avoid confrontation? So you don't miss anything, subscribe.