The district administration wants to deny the contract to the cheapest bidder in the tender for dismantling work. The background is bad experiences with the company in question, with which another legal dispute is ongoing.

The case is now before the Bavarian Supreme Court. Until this inspection is completed, the district is not allowed to entrust any other company with the work. If a decision is not made within three weeks, everything will be delayed by a year, said Thomas Karmasin in the district council. Particularly bitter, the costs for the containers in which lessons take place during the renovation of the existing building continue. The containers cost 300,000 euros a month. The existing building is currently not USABLE and will no longer be possible in the future, said a spokeswoman for the building administration. The impending delay was due to the planned move back during the summer holidays and to the sequence of various trades. The district won this procedure with the awarding authority. The case is currently being examined there.