Before dying in prison Alexei Navalny wrote a memoir. Titled 'Patriot', the book will be published in the US by Knopf on October 22.

Navalny began writing Patriot in 2020, shortly after he was poisoned. The book tells the whole story of his life: his youth, his marriage and family, his commitment to the cause of democracy and freedom in Russia that he saw himself opposed by a global superpower determined to silence him. In the United States the first announced print run is 500,000 copies. The memoir will be released worldwide at the same time and in Italy it will bePublished by Mondadori in hardcover, ebook and audiobook editions. The book is a testament to his life, but also to his unwavering commitment to fighting the dictatorship", said Navalny's wife, Yulia Navalnaya. "Telling his life is a way to honor his memory and inspire others to fight for what is right," said the widow Yulia.