Traffic announced this Monday that it will install 88 new radars on Spanish roads this year, 60% of them in sections. Most of the new speed control devices will be placed on conventional roads, where 7 out of 10 fatal accidents occur.

This increase has been made public coinciding with a speed control campaign that will last a week. The campaign will take place between this Monday, April 15, and next Sunday, April 21, and agents from the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard and local police officers participating in this initiative will participate. Inappropriate speed is the third most common factor in traffic accidents, especially those that result in fatalities. Last year, 211 accidents with deaths were recorded in which this factor was present, according to the Baseline Project, a road safety program of which 18 countries are part. All new vehicles registered as of July 6 must have a series of advanced safety functions, the so-called ADAS, among which is the Intelligent Speed Assistant (ISA). This system displays the speed limit of the road you are driving on, and a sign recognition system.