The Limited Times

Shaaban: The aggressive war against Syria is aimed at destroying its identity and history

8/27/2019, 11:22:53 PM

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Buthaina Shaaban affirmed that war is the enemy


Political and media advisor in the Presidency of the Republic, Dr. Buthaina Shaaban, stressed that the aggressive war launched on Syria nine years ago and is still not only military, but an intellectual and historical war aimed at destroying our identity and history, pointing out that Syria is continuing its war against terrorism until it is finally defeated.

In an interview with Syrian TV this evening, Dr. Shaaban pointed out that this unjust war requires documenting what happened in it at all levels, saying, “Our first and most important project today is to document this war. The aim is to write this history with our own hands and translate it into all international languages ​​so that the world can read the truth. In order to be forgotten, all lies and illusions created by the disinterested Western media that target us, and not to go championships of the Syrian people without being a cornerstone of the history of Syria read by all the people of the world.

Dr. Sha'ban, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Watan Watan Foundation, which was established in 2016, explained that the Foundation's project aims to document the life of the flags of thought and the years of war in all its aspects. The transfer of all that is oral, through a team distributed in most of the Syrian governorates and works in cooperation with all events to meet witnesses and owners of novels and document these interviews audiovisual and then indexed and archived to become a document for future generations.

She pointed out that after years of lean war, the Syrian people proved to the whole world that they are at a high level of awareness, belonging and adherence to their national principles and principles.

Shaaban said that taking advantage of the lessons of war needs an "elite" to study what happened to Syria with real transparency and disclosure, stressing at the same time that the Syrians are qualified to play this role so that the lessons learned are real to build a dear, capable and cohesive country in the future.

Shaaban stressed that the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States against Syria are illegal and have no international credibility, condemning Washington's recent threats to the personalities who will visit the Damascus International Fair, which is scheduled to open tomorrow.

The political and media adviser in the presidency pointed to the change in the popular attitude towards Syria in many countries of the world except those countries that have spent billions of dollars and bet on dropping them, stressing that these governments will change their position in the end.

Dr. Shaaban explained that this stage requires working more intellectually with the people and fortifying it from the educational curricula to the dialogues and listen to people's concerns and exchange views with them.

Regarding the Chinese project “One Belt, One Road”, Shaaban stressed that this project is a vision of the future of the world as an economic, intellectual, research and social project, pointing out that the document “Watan Watan” serves as a research center that provides the government with valuable ideas that serve Syria both in its historical role. In Silk Road or today in "One Belt One Road" with the aim of utilizing them.