The Limited Times

SPON election trend: CDU extends its lead in Saxony, SPD brings in Brandenburg AFD

8/28/2019, 5:08:57 PM

At times it looked as if the AfD in Brandenburg and Saxony could land at the front. But shortly before the parliamentary elections, the governing parties of the prime ministers are again closing.

A few days before the state elections in Brandenburg and Saxony, the parties of the two prime ministers experienced a slight upward trend. In Brandenburg, the SPD to incumbent Dietmar Woidke with 20 percent for the first time since mid-June is back on par with the AfD and could thus still be the strongest force on Sunday. In Saxony, the CDU of Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer stabilizes its survey result of 29 percent, which is four percentage points ahead of the AfD.

This is shown by a recent survey by the polling institute Civey for SPIEGEL ONLINE, which is conducted for Brandenburg in cooperation with the "Tagesspiegel".

In both federal states, a new parliament will be elected on Sunday. At times it looked in Brandenburg and Saxony after an electoral victory of the AfD - that has changed. However, this is not so much a weakness of the AfD in both countries, but rather the final spurt of the parties, which are currently the head of government.

In Brandenburg, SPD Prime Minister Woidke hopes to continue to form a government under his leadership. Compared to the previous evaluation two weeks ago, his party can gain the most with about two percentage points. This positive trend has already been evident for several weeks. The AfD remains unchanged compared to the previous evaluation at 20 percent.

Losers in Brandenburg are the Greens, which lost more than two percentage points and come to just under 15 percent. There was hardly any movement among the other parties: the leftists are stable at a good 16 percent, the FDP still has to fear for 4.9 percent to move into parliament.

How this next vote could look like is clear. The most likely variant is an alliance of the previous government parties SPD and Left with the Greens as the third partner.

In Saxony there is hardly any change in the values ​​compared to the previous week. The CDU is increasing in trend, it comes to 29 percent. The party of Prime Minister Kretschmer recorded a slight increase in the poll numbers since the beginning of the month. She also overtook the AfD, who was just ahead of her for a short time, but now stands at 25 percent.

The SPD as a coalition partner continues to stand at almost 9 percent. For a majority and continuation of the Saxon GroKo that is too little. What a future Saxon state government looks like after the election is open. A possible option would be, according to the model of Saxony-Anhalt, the so-called Kenya Alliance of CDU, Greens and SPD. The relationship between the CDU and the Greens is regarded as burdened in Saxony.

As with the AfD, there is hardly any movement among the other parties: the Greens come to just under 11 percent, and the approval for the Left is 15 percent. The FDP could move into parliament with almost 6 percent.

The statistical error for Saxony was 2.5 percent (survey period August 4 to August 28) and in Brandenburg 3.2 percent (survey period July 31 to August 28).

SPIEGEL TV: Before the state elections in Saxony and Brandenburg



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