The Limited Times

Brandenburg: Wahlhelfer should have counted AFD votes for the Greens

8/28/2019, 5:00:14 PM

"My heart beats on the left": a young election worker had in the Brandenburg local elections votes cast for the AfD, possibly slammed the Greens. The prosecutor's office is considering the case.

The public prosecutor Potsdam investigates a possible election fraud in the local election in Brandenburg. "We're considering an initial suspicion against a pollster," a spokesman for the authorities said. It is examined whether it came in the district Oder-Spree to a polling.

A young election worker is said to have slid votes in a polling station in the district of Oder-Spree votes that had been made for the AfD, the Greens, reported the "Tagesspiegel".

The man told the newspaper he wanted to point out how easy it was to manipulate the election. He faked at least 50 votes. As a motif, the man called his political conviction: "My heart beats left."

In the meantime, an investigation is also underway at the public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt (Oder), as it confirmed. According to the provincial election administration, it is so far the only known case of electoral fraud in the municipal election in March.

A spokeswoman said that Sunday's election has a different voting system. Here is a four-eye principle - unlike the local election.

According to the law, the number of votes in the municipal election must be constantly monitored by an assessor. In the state election, on the other hand, two assessors appointed by the presiding judge count the ballot piles in succession under mutual control.

Whether the possible fraud in Oder-Spree had an impact on the result, one could not say, said the district election officer of Oder-Spree, Sascha Gehm. In the district, the AfD had achieved 18.4 percent, the Greens came to 8.7 percent.