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Jaafari: Attempts by terrorist supporters to recycle its organizations will not discourage Syria from continuing to fight it

8/29/2019, 5:28:21 PM

New York - SANA - Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar Jaafari, confirmed that the attempts of the supporting countries

New York-Sana

Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar Jaafari, stressed that attempts by countries supporting terrorist organizations to recycle and present them as a "moderate armed opposition" will not discourage Syria from continuing to defend its citizens and to fight terrorism, stressing that with every victory it wins against some members The Security Council campaigns slander to distort this victory, slander and offend the image of the Syrian state.

Jaafari said during a session of the Security Council today on the situation in Syria that it has become an approach adopted by some speakers before this Council, as happened in 62 previous meetings and with every victory achieved by the Syrian Arab army in the face of flocks of global terrorism launched campaigns of slander to distort this victory and defamation and abuse The Syrian State, pointing out that this promoted some when liberating the neighborhoods of Homs to the allegations of the use of what was then called "barrel bombs" In Quseir and Qalamoun were promoted the lies of displacement and demographic change and when liberating the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo was about the siege and starvation and when the liberation of the Al-Sharqiyah has been fabricated allegations about the use of chemical weapons and today we hear other allegations about the targeting of health, educational and service facilities in Idlib and its countryside, which are flimsy allegations and forms an integral part of the political architecture of the terrorism imposed on Syria injustice and aggression eight years ago, asserting that the Syrian Air Force and friend are not attacking Civil targets, but rather terrorist bases and centers exclusively, unless some consider terrorist bases and centers as places for caring for children and spreading human thought.

Jaafari stressed that Syria has shown patience over the spread of terrorist organizations in Idlib and chose political solutions and gave them the necessary time. They opted for a military solution by continuing to target civilian populated areas in Aleppo, Hama, Latakia and southern Idlib, where hundreds were killed and thousands of innocent people were injured. Expire within this Council or outside, but they are talking about confidence-building with the terrorists and ignore that terrorist groups had killed a Western-backed large numbers of hostages abducted and detained.

Al-Jaafari said that the Syrian state, for its citizens, announced a few days ago to open a humanitarian corridor in the city of Souran to enable civilians wishing to leave the areas of deployment of terrorist groups in the northern countryside of Hama and southern Idlib to the areas of the presence of the Syrian Arab Army. It also agreed to send a full ICRC hospital to al-Houl camp in al-Hasakah.

Jaafari stressed Syria's rejection of the allegations contained in the report of the United Nations Secretariat aimed at distorting the image of the Syrian state and promoting false baseless accusations about targeting the Syrian Arab Army civilian installations in Idlib .. He said: It is no secret to what was confirmed by the twenty-fourth report of the team Analytical support and monitoring of the recent sanctions that Idlib has become according to the report: "currently includes the largest concentration of terrorist elements in Syria and Iraq to become the largest landfill for foreign terrorists in the world and the organization of Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist is the sole and effective control of most of those areas."

Jaafari noted that the Astana agreement on the establishment of de-escalation zones does not include terrorist organizations classified by the Security Council as terrorist entities and that the agreement stipulated, inter alia, the obligation of signatory armed groups to disengage from terrorist organizations, particularly ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra. “All the groups associated with them, as the Astana and Sochi Agreements have affirmed, have the right of the Syrian government and its allies to confront terrorist organizations regardless of their designations.

Jaafari stressed that the organizations in Idlib such as Jabhat al-Nusra, ISIS, the Eastern Turkistan Movement, Haras al-Din, the Army of Immigrants and Ansar and others are terrorist organizations and the governments of the countries supporting them will not be able to recycle them to present them as These attempts will not deter Syria from continuing with the support of its allies in defending its citizens and in combating terrorism, pointing out that standing with Syria today is the real criterion to prove the credibility of the war on terror.

Earlier this month, Jaafari said that she participated in the 13th round of Astana meetings held in the Kazakh capital, Sultan Sultan, which resulted in the adoption of an important statement which reaffirmed the strong commitment to the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic and continued cooperation until the total elimination of terrorist organizations and the rejection of agendas. Separatism aimed at undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria, as well as adhering to the international resolutions on ending the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan, especially Security Council resolution 497 of 1981, expressing Syria's thanks to the Russian guarantors. Iran and the host country of Kazakhstan for their contribution to the success of this round and the emphasis on the need not to prejudice this path, which is supported by a broad consensus, and especially of the Syrian people, the owner of the basic power of self-determination and to prevent disabled under any name.

Al-Jaafari pointed out that the United States and the Turkish regime, in conjunction with the closing session of the Astana meeting, immediately condemned the final statement by another provocative step aimed at creating new facts on the ground in areas where the forces of these two countries are illegally deployed. By declaring an agreement on the establishment of a so-called “safe area” on Syrian territory, Syria declared its unequivocal rejection of it as a flagrant attack on the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria, which was affirmed by all Security Council resolutions relating to Syria. Akka is blatant for the principles of international law and the provisions of the UN Charter.

Al-Jaafari said that this agreement exposed the American-Turkish partnership in the aggression against Syria and revealed unequivocally the extent of misinformation and prevarication that govern the policies of these two countries, stressing that there is a serious reality represented by the two hostile states supporting terrorism in Syria to negotiate openly on the land belonging to a third country. It is Syria at a time when the Security Council in 20 resolutions stressed the strong commitment to Syria's sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

He said: Can you brief us on the position of your Council on this aggressive behavior of the US - Turkey aimed at devoting their occupation parts of my country? Is there any justification for the silence of your Council on this blatant and public violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations at a time when some well-known Member States to stress the Council by calling sometimes to meet almost daily, bring false witnesses and put forward draft letters, statements and resolutions and even the formation of committees such as those that have been established recently To investigate the allegations of targeting hospitals and health centers based on allegations from "open sources" misleading and baseless in order to accuse the Syrian government and try to abuse them instead of relying on documented information provided by the United Nations.

Al-Jaafari explained that the Israeli participation in supporting terrorism was represented by the recent Israeli attacks on the territories of three Arab countries, namely Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. He pointed out that the Security Council held a meeting on the twentieth of this month on the challenges to peace and stability in the Middle East, a session in which most speakers stressed that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the Arab Its aggressive practices are the basis of those challenges.