The Limited Times

Ceasefire in the Idlib Reduction Area, while retaining the right to respond to any breach

8/30/2019, 9:43:39 PM

DAMASCUS, (SANA) -A military source announced on Monday a ceasefire in the area of ​​de-escalation in Idlib as of morning


A military source announced the approval of the ceasefire in the de-escalation zone in Idlib starting tomorrow morning.

The source told SANA that the ceasefire in the area of ​​de-escalation in Idlib was approved as of the morning of August 31, while retaining the right to respond to any breach by terrorists.

Terrorist organizations deployed in Idlib since the declaration of the Zone of Escalation Reduction have consistently violated the agreement by attacking rocket-propelled grenades and launching attacks on safe areas and army points protecting civilians, causing dozens of deaths and injuries, not to mention material damage to agricultural crops, houses and infrastructure.