The Limited Times

Yemeni martyr and wounding three bombardment of the Saudi aggression forces in Hajjah

8/30/2019, 9:46:44 AM

Sana'a-Sanaa Yemeni martyred and 3 others injured at dawn today due to shelling of Saudi aggression forces targeting Hajjah Al-Haddou province


A Yemeni was martyred and 3 others were injured at dawn today due to shelling of the Saudi aggression forces targeting the border province of Hajjah.

According to the website, "Al-Masirah Net" that a Yemeni martyred and three others were injured by the shelling of mercenaries aggression homes of citizens in the village of the people of the Directorate of Abs.

The alliance of the Saudi regime continues its aggression against Yemen for the fifth year using various types of weapons, which led to the death and injury of tens of thousands of civilians and the destruction of Yemen's infrastructure and economic infrastructure in addition to causing the worst humanitarian disaster in the world led to the spread of incurable diseases and famine throughout the country as a result of the siege of Yemeni ports Prevent the introduction of medicines and humanitarian aid.

The number of victims of the Saudi aggression against Yemen has reached more than 140 thousand people, among them a martyr and wounded, including thousands of women and children.

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