The Limited Times

Why Jan Böhmermann is hardly a SPD candidate

8/30/2019, 10:28:39 AM

Everything just a gag? The satirist Jan Böhmermann says he wants to become SPD chairman. But already for the first hurdle it should not be enough.

Apparently everything seems conceivable in the SPD: The satirist Jan Böhmermann has come into play as a candidate for the party presidency. He is ready to rescue the SPD, said the 38-year-old in his program "Neo Magazine Royal". Willy Brandt had appeared to him in a dream and said: "You have to do it."

His candidacy was no joke, asserted Böhmermann, but admitted that he was not yet an SPD member. From the party it is said, so far not even a membership application from him received. And with that the air could already be out of the matter.

Until Sunday at 18 clock runs in the SPD, the deadline for applications. In order to run for office, Böhmermann would have to be a member of the party and be nominated by five sub-districts, a district or a national association.

SPD procedure for the party presidency

The schedule at a glance:

1st of July: Applications

From this day, teams of two or individual applicants may submit their candidacy for the SPD Chairmanship. For a candidacy they need the support of at least five sub-districts, a district or a national association.

September 1: Regional conferences

The application deadline ends. The candidates then present themselves in 23 regional conferences of the base. For five weeks, they can promote themselves among the members. The prelude is on 4 September in Saarbrücken, the final on 12 October in Munich.

October 14: Basic decision

The approximately 440,000 SPD members may elect their candidate or their team of candidates for the party leadership in a basic decision .

October 26: result of the membership vote

The result of the membership decision will be presented. If no candidate or double team receives over 50 percent of the votes, there should be a casting vote between the top two. The election is not legally binding , politically, the party congress is unlikely to pass the vote of the members.

December 6-8: Party Congress

The federal party convention of the SPD is coming together in Berlin. He should formally elect the winner of the membership decision to the SPD leadership - and decide on the midterm review of the Grand Coalition.

Subdivisions are similar to district associations in other parties, it is the second level in the party. Among them are only the local associations. Districts in turn are subdivisions below the state level - in Hesse for example Hesse North and Hesse South.

Local association must approve membership application

But even for the first hurdle it will be tight: To enter the SPD, it is not enough to fill out an application online. Because in a second stage of the procedure, the application is sent by a state office to the responsible local association - in the place of residence or in the municipality where the candidate works.

The applicant is only a member of the SPD, if the board of the local association agrees. As a rule, several applications are collected and approved together.

It is therefore unlikely that Böhmermann can become an SPD member until Sunday evening. Time is simply too short. This is even more the case for a necessary nomination.

At any rate, the SPD does not seem to have any great panic in the face of Böhmermann's action. General Secretary Lars Klingbeil and Juso CEO Kevin Kühnert, for example, responded with mocking tweets to the satirist.

National Association! @janboehm, that is national association! You still have a lot to learn, comrade!

- Lars Klingbeil (@larsklingbeil) August 29, 2019

Smart campaign. The CD looks like an average # SPD local club. It still lacks AWO tablecloth and IG metal cap, then the first sub-districts could be soft.

Tip: Use more Willy Brandt quotes. # restart19

- Kevin Kühnert (@KuehniKev) August 29, 2019

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SPD candidates: party seeks savior