The Limited Times

They arrest a man for buying a flight ticket just to accompany his wife to the boarding gate

9/2/2019, 10:25:29 PM

The Singapore Police Force has issued a warning to residents not to "misuse" their boarding passes after a man was arrested for buying a ticket ...

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(CNN) - With a butterfly dome in place, a cactus garden and a four-story slide, Singapore Changi Airport regularly tops the ranking of the world's best airports.

MIRA: These are the best airports in the world for 2019

But some travelers are taking advantage of that.

The Singapore Police Force has issued a warning to residents not to "misuse" their boarding passes after a man was arrested for buying a ticket to take his wife to the door.

The misuse of boarding passes is a crime in Singapore, where transit areas are considered “protected places”.

LEE: This is Jewel Changi Airport, the new and surprising expansion of the Singapore airport

The green wall of Changi: the green wall of Singapore's Changi Airport, which is located in terminal three, is the largest vertical garden in the world. It measures 300 meters by 14 meters and contains more than 10,000 plants.

Anyone who accesses the door-side areas in Changi without intending to fly can be prosecuted under the Singapore Infrastructure Protection Law and fined up to $ 14,300 or imprisoned for up to two years. Some 33 people were arrested under the legislation in the first eight months of 2019.

New gem: in 2019 Changi plans to open its iconic “Jewel” terminal, where the boundaries between the airport and fantasy will fade even more.

Police said the 27-year-old bought a ticket simply to take his wife to the door and "had no intention of leaving Singapore."

In a Facebook post they added that "passengers entering transit areas with a boarding pass should only be there for the purpose of traveling to their next destination."

Attractions at the airport

If the idea that someone wants to actively spend time at an airport sounds strange, it has not passed through Singapore.

LOOK: The largest indoor waterfall in the world is inside the Singapore airport

When Changi's new Jewel terminal opened in April, it was news worldwide for its 40-meter waterfall (the largest in the world), a 14,000-square-foot Canopy Park, with a suspension bridge, tree-trimmed sculptures, Labyrinths and one of the largest indoor gardens in Asia with 3,000 trees and 60,000 shrubs.

There, staying beyond time is something that people do.

In 2016, a man from Malaysia was jailed after spending 18 days in Changi, falsifying boarding passes to access nine VIP lounges at the airport. Soon after, a couple was arrested for reserving flexible tickets to gain access to the Changi Mall, where they bought an iPhone 7.

It is known that other passengers booked refundable tickets that they cancel before the flight takes off, after having enjoyed the airport.

Changi Airport