The Limited Times

Hong Kong: Prime Minister Carrie Lam speaks in sound recording of resignation

9/2/2019, 4:43:40 PM

She would give up her ministry if she could: said Hong Kong Prime Minister Carrie Lam at a meeting with industry officials. She had done an "unpardonable devastation".

For more than 80 days, many people have been taking to the streets in Hong Kong demanding, among other things, the resignation of Prime Minister Carrie Lam. The politician had triggered the protests with a controversial law that would have made deliveries to mainland China possible. In a conversation with business representatives, she now guiltily guilty: She has done an "unpardonable devastation".

The news agency Reuters has been leaked a record of the meeting according to their own information. "If I had the choice," she said in English, "I would resign immediately and apologize formally."

"Very, very, very limited options"

Rumors circulated for some time that Lam, who is considered to have been appointed by the leadership in Beijing, wanted to give up her position some time ago. However, that was not allowed by the Chinese leadership. Likewise, the Chinese government had opposed to let the extradition law completely. This is another demand of the demonstrators.

Lam told Reuters at the meeting that China has "absolutely no plans" to use the military in Hong Kong. But she does not have many options if the topic reaches a national level. Then the options of the head of government are "very, very, very limited". It is between two forces that it should serve: the central people's government in Beijing and the people of Hong Kong.

A speaker Lams confirmed Reuters, it had given a meeting of the politician with business representatives. However, this had been confidential, so he could say nothing to the content of the talks.

Students stay away from lectures

Meanwhile, China has sharply condemned violence in the Hong Kong weekend protests. In the heavy clashes between protesters and police forces, a total of 159 people were arrested between Friday and Sunday, police said.

After the end of the holiday, Monday began with a few actions by students, some of whom boycotted classes in schools and universities. At the beginning of the lesson some students gathered outside their middle and high schools with gas masks and helmets. Thousands of students, mostly dressed in black and wearing facemasks, stayed away from the lectures and gathered outside the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

Video: Protesters in Hong Kong devastate subway station



The students demanded an independent investigation of excessive police violence during the protests. "Unfortunately, the police are unnecessarily trapped in the conflict," said Marcus Hui, one of the participants. Policemen should think about what their children went through. He hopes for a change of consciousness. There were also gatherings of students in the city center. In the dense transport network of the metropolis, there was a strong police presence, which prevented planned major disruptions by activists.

The protest movement fears an increasing influence of the Chinese government on Hong Kong and a curtailment of its freedoms. The former British Crown Colony has been autonomously governed since its return to China in 1997 on the principle of "one country, two systems". The seven million inhabitants are under China's sovereignty, but - unlike the people of the Communist People's Republic - enjoy more rights such as freedom of expression and assembly.

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