The Limited Times

Lebanese Foreign Ministry summons the ambassador of the Turkish regime in Beirut

9/3/2019, 2:22:29 PM

BEIRUT, (SANA) - The Lebanese Foreign Ministry summoned the ambassador of the Turkish regime in Beirut on Saturday to protest against a schism approach


The Lebanese Foreign Ministry summoned the ambassador of the Turkish regime in Beirut today to protest against the manner in which his foreign ministry addressed President Michel Aoun regarding his speech on the era of the Ottoman occupation.

The ministry said in a statement today that on the instructions of Minister Gebran Bassil, the Director of Political and Consular Affairs, Ambassador Gadi Al-Khouri, summoned the Turkish Ambassador to Lebanon Hakan Chakl on the background of the statement issued by the Turkish Foreign Ministry two days ago, which included expressions and language that do not conform to the diplomatic origins and relations between the two countries. And the Lebanese and Turkish peoples.

The statement said that Ambassador Khoury asked for clarification on this statement and a clear correction of the error on the Turkish side in order to preserve the bilateral relations between the two countries and prevent damage to them.

The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants yesterday expressed its condemnation and condemnation of the way the Foreign Ministry addressed the Turkish regime with President Aoun on his speech about the era of the Ottoman occupation.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a violent statement against Aoun's speech, saying his remarks were "based on unfounded prejudices about the Ottoman era," praising the past of the Ottoman occupation.