The Limited Times

Martyr Rifai School in Daraa .. A model for the victory of science over the advocates of dark thought

9/3/2019, 1:13:23 PM

Daraa-Sana The martyr Rifai school in the center of the city of Daraa was a model for resilience and confronting terrorism with all its


The martyr Rifai School in the center of Daraa city was a model for resisting and confronting terrorism with all its hatred, ignorance and underdevelopment to return and open its doors to receive science students after rehabilitation and repair the damage caused by terrorism.

The headmaster of the school, Dima Ayyash, explained that the school stopped receiving female students during the crisis years due to terrorism and the damage done to her and after restoring security and stability, she was rehabilitated and opened its doors to receive the new school year to accommodate about one thousand students from the scientific and literary branches.

Ayash said in a statement to SANA that the school currently includes high school students station girls and the martyr Rifai and the number of classrooms to about 24 except administrative rooms and warehouses as it is equipped with all means and requirements of the educational process and has a distinguished teaching staff.

In turn, a number of school students stressed the continuation of educational attainment and fighting all forms of dark thought with science and knowledge, indicating that the return of education to the martyr Rifai school after a pause for years a message that "science will remain a light and a path towards a future free of hatred and dark thought."

We note the sacrifices made by the Syrian Arab Army to restore security and stability and expel terrorism from the province's land to bring life back to its roots.

Qasim Miqdad

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