The Limited Times

Escalation of Israeli Attacks on Palestinians in Hebron

9/4/2019, 1:46:30 PM

Occupied Jerusalem - SANA - Intensive Judaization and settlement activities are taking place in Hebron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs

Occupied Jerusalem-Sana

Intensive Judaization and settlement activity in Hebron and Al-Haram Al-Ibrahimi, where the Israeli occupation authorities continue to expand settlements and seize land, accompanied by continuous aggression by settlers on Palestinian neighborhoods in the city and prevent the opening of more than 400 shops in Al-Shuhada Street in the center of Hebron.

The Palestinian Ministry of Endowments warned of the danger of the Judaization and targeting of the holy sites and archaeological sites in Hebron, pointing out that the Israeli occupation forces and its settlers escalated their attacks on the residents of the city in addition to continuing to attempt to Judaize the Tomb of the Patriarchs by storming it and preventing the call to prayer.

Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative Mustafa Barghouthi said in a statement to the SANA reporter that the occupation has established hundreds of settlement units in Hebron as part of its Judaizing war on the city, pointing out that there are daily raids on Palestinian homes in the center of Hebron and attacks on children and women in addition to preventing the Palestinian occupation from moving between neighborhoods City.

The coordinator of the national committees to resist the wall and settlement south of the West Bank Rateb Jabour said that the city of Hebron recently witnessed a major escalation in settlements and Judaization, where the occupation began to expand 30 settlements on Palestinian land in the city, while the settlers seized dozens of Palestinian houses and real estate where the occupation forced the owners of 659 Close them by force at gunpoint.

Jamal Abu 'Aram, director of the Waqf in Hebron, explained that the Israeli occupation forces continue their violations of the sanctity of the Ibrahimi Mosque by preventing the lifting of the ears and closing it to worshipers and visitors and permitting the settlers to constantly storm it where it is subjected to continuous Judaization in flagrant violation of international laws and resolutions.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly stressed that the Israeli occupation authorities, within their colonial policies, are escalating their violations and settlement operations to Judaize the archaeological and historical places. .

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