The Limited Times

Kilicdaroglu: Syria has the right to fight and eliminate terrorists

9/5/2019, 8:19:25 AM

ANKARA, (SANA) - President of the Turkish Republican People's Party Kemal Kilicdaroglu affirmed Syria's right to fight terrorists


Turkish Republican People's Party (KPI) President Kemal Kilicdaroglu affirmed Syria's right to fight and eliminate terrorists on its entire territory, including in Idlib province, blaming the Turkish regime for supporting terrorists in Syria.

"Thousands of foreign terrorists have entered Syria through the Turkish border and weapons and military equipment sent by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and in coordination with the US have crossed these borders to be delivered to terrorist organizations in Syria," Kilicdaroglu told Turkish news channel Khabar Turk.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan's regime turned Turkey's territory into a corridor and headquarters for terrorist organizations, supported it with money and weapons, provided logistical support and shelters, and bought stolen Syrian oil from IS on the international terrorism list.

He pointed to the contradictions in Erdogan's positions regarding Syria, pointing out that he sits with Russian President Vladimir Putin and then returns and calls US President Donald Trump and does not specify the reasons for his intervention in Syria and support for terrorist organizations in Syria, especially in Idlib.

Kilicdaroglu said in a speech yesterday that Erdogan bears responsibility for the current situation in Syria and the tragedies and the situation of the displaced people.
in Turkey.

In his televised speech, Kilicdaroglu called for Turkey's foreign policy to be completely changed and to live in peace with everyone, especially with neighboring countries, especially Syria, Iraq and Iran. Turkey has exported terrorism to Syria and is now facing it.

In another context, Kilicdaroglu said that Erdogan "is constantly lying to the Turkish people in everything."

Erdogan pursues reckless domestic and foreign policies that have posed a threat to Turkey's future.He has supported terrorist organizations in Syria and the region for years and has plunged his country into a severe economic crisis and diplomatic problems with neighboring countries and the West in order to impose his control and restore the old Ottoman dream.

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