The Limited Times

US Vice President Pence expects to postpone Chinese speech this fall

9/6/2019, 9:13:25 PM

[Washington 6th Reuters]-US White House official revealed on the 6th that Vence President Pence will post a speech on China later this year. Mira will say that the speech will show a strong attitude towards China

[Washington 6th Reuters]-US White House official revealed on the 6th that Vence President Pence will post a speech on China later this year.

The speech is likely to show a strong attitude towards China. It was originally scheduled for June, but it was reported that it was canceled in consideration of the impact on the talks before the US-China summit in Osaka 20 countries and regions (G20).

Vice President Pence's deputy spokesman confirmed that the speech was expected this fall, but did not go into any specific dates or details.