The Limited Times

10 Yemenis injured in attack by the Saudi aggression coalition with missiles on Hodeidah

9/9/2019, 9:49:27 AM

SANAA, (SANA) - At least ten Yemeni civilians were injured today in the attack of mercenaries of the Saudi aggression coalition with masts


At least 10 Yemeni civilians were injured today as mercenaries attacked the Saudi aggression coalition with missiles on populated areas in the current district of Hodeidah.

The site of the march Net that the mercenaries of aggression targeted four Katyusha rockets neighborhood Saffron Directorate of the current, causing injury ten people in an initial toll.

The two Yemenis were wounded yesterday in the artillery shelling of the coalition of Saudi aggression on the city of Hodeidah.

The Saudi aggression coalition and its mercenaries continue to violate Sweden's ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah daily, resulting in civilian casualties and property damage.

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