The Limited Times

Marketing 11,600 tons of wheat crop to the Euphrates and Mayadeen centers in Deir Ezzor

9/9/2019, 10:25:27 AM

Deir Ezzor-Sana The farmers of Deir Ezzor continued to market their wheat crops to the receiving centers of the Foundation branch

Deir Ezzor-Sana

The farmers of Deir Ezzor continued marketing their wheat crops to the receiving centers of the branch of the Syrian Foundation for Grain in the governorate and amounted to this day about 11600 tons.

The director of the Syrian branch of grain in Deir Ezzor Engineer Adib Rakad that "the quantities of wheat received through the centers of the Euphrates and fields reached 11600 tons, including 9000 tons in the Euphrates Center and about 2600 tons were marketed to the Center of fields, while the branch sold about 273 thousand bags of packaging," stressing that "operations Receiving is easy. ”

In turn, the Director of the Agricultural Bank in Deir Ezzor, Engineer Bassam Kasiri, said that the values ​​of grain spent so far amounted to about 3 billion pounds for wheat and barley crops, reiterating that the farmer receives the price of his crop through the bank within 48 hours from the date of delivery.