The Limited Times

With the participation of 45 companies inaugurating an exhibition for the pharmaceutical industries in Aleppo

9/12/2019, 2:43:29 PM

Aleppo-SANA With the participation of 45 pharmaceutical companies, the pharmaceutical exhibition opened in Aleppo today


With the participation of 45 pharmaceutical companies, the pharmaceutical exhibition “Pharma Gate” opened today in Aleppo.

Dr. Wafa Keshi, head of Syrian pharmacists, told SANA in Aleppo that the exhibition is the first in the field of pharmaceutical technology. The presence of this number of companies in the exhibition is a message that the pharmaceutical industries are continuing to give, which is an elaborate industry, pointing out that the exhibition is a real opportunity for competition between pharmaceutical manufacturers The best and access to modern in the medical and pharmaceutical sciences, pointing to the launch of new varieties of medicines during this exhibition.

Head of the Syndicate of Pharmacists in Aleppo, Dr. Mohammed Majnou explained that the exhibition is the largest among the exhibitions held previously and includes the latest findings of the pharmaceutical industries.

SANA toured the sections of the exhibition and surveyed a number of participants, where pharmacist Bashar Masri from the Pharmaceutical Industries Company in Aleppo explained that there are new medicinal classes and the exhibition is an important opportunity to identify them, including drugs related to the treatment of ulcerative colitis, class of clotting material and a group of integrated vitamins pointing out that the goal of participation Pharmacists and physicians familiarize themselves with these items.

Khalid Al-Agha of the Pharmaceutical Industries Company said that the company is working to provide the market with modern pharmaceutical varieties, including the one intended for the treatment of liver and insulin.

The pharmaceutical company Mais Akkad from one of the pharmaceutical industries that the company continued its work during the crisis and produced new varieties of medicine to serve patients and wounded during the war, including the item dedicated to the protection of the stomach wall and class strengthen the nervous sentence.

The pharmacist Aziz Mitri from the visitors that the pharmaceutical companies continued to work during the crisis to provide therapeutic medicines to citizens, the fruit of the effort and everyone worked to maintain the health of the citizen while the pharmacist Anas Fayyad to the development in the work of pharmaceutical companies through the introduction of new varieties. Dr. Zaher Dahni explained that the exhibition is an important opportunity to learn about the products of pharmaceutical industries and keep them up to date with the new treatment. Z.

Qusai Razzouk

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