The Limited Times

Even with a 1-gram bone, 18 years after the terrorist attacks

9/12/2019, 9:10:35 PM

18 years since the terrorist attacks in the United States. A total of 2753 people were killed at the New York World Trade Center (WTC), but the New York City Metropolitan Bureau continues to verify the identity of 1109 people, 40% of them. "Must be the last one" ...

18 years since the terrorist attacks in the United States. A total of 2753 people were killed at the New York World Trade Center (WTC), but the New York City Metropolitan Bureau continues to verify the identity of 1109 people, 40% of them. “Must be the last one”. Japanese women who face the body as a DNA tester are also watching the transition. (New York = Manabu Fujiwara)

Ten of the WTC (World Trade Center) teams at the Bureau of Inspection are working on examining the DNA type of a part of the body in a room in a central Manhattan building. Hundreds of new points are identified each year, but they are often victims who have already been identified.

According to the inspection station, a total of 21,905 points were found on the site. Of these, 14,701 points have already been identified. However, most of them are severely damaged by the influence of heat, water, jet fuel, bacteria, etc., and the detection of DNA does not remain.

Now there are over 7,000 remaining ...