The Limited Times

Miqdad: The necessity of respecting the sovereignty and unity of nations and maintaining international peace and security

9/16/2019, 12:52:31 PM

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - Deputy Foreign Minister and Expatriates Dr. Faisal al-Miqdad on Tuesday received Imran Riza, Resident Coordinator


DAMASCUS, (SANA) -Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Dr. Faisal al-Miqdad on Monday received the new Resident Coordinator for UN Development and Humanitarian Activities in the Syrian Arab Republic Imran Riza who presented his credentials to the Deputy Minister.

Mekdad welcomed the new coordinator in Syria, stressing the importance of enhancing constructive cooperation between the Syrian government and the UN organizations working in Syria.

During the meeting, the Deputy Minister pointed to the need to respect the principles and objectives upon which the United Nations was founded, including its Charter, calling for respect for the sovereignty and unity of nations and the maintenance of international peace and security.

Al-Mekdad wished the coordinator success in his tasks.

For his part, Riza expressed his intention to cooperate with the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic in order to strengthen the relationship between Syria and the United Nations, explaining his endeavor to expand the strategies of action and UN programs in coordination and fruitful cooperation to serve the needs of the Syrian people, which is a top priority.

The meeting was attended by the Syrian side, Abdel Moneim Annan, Director of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Osama Ali, Director of the Office of the Deputy Minister, Dr. Hakam Dundi of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences. .