The Limited Times

A company will pay $ 1,300 to a Stephen King follower to see 13 of his most terrifying movies before Halloween

9/18/2019, 11:22:44 PM

USDish has a competition for fans to demonstrate their loyalty to the master in terror, and this does not imply an oath of blood.

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(CNN) - Like his character It , Stephen King fever has come back to life after a period of latency. But as new versions of the author's most popular works flood cinemas and streaming services, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish casual viewers from devotees.

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USDish has a competition for fans to show their loyalty to the master in terror, and this does not imply an oath of blood: a winner will see 13 adaptations of his most spooky stories and, for his bravery, will earn $ 1,300.

Can't you decide among the more than 40 films of King's work? Dish chooses for you: you'll see praised classics like Carrie and The Shining , as well as truly terrible adaptations like The Mist and Pet Sematary and deeper films like Thinner and Dreamcatcher .

But the task will not be easy. You must complete an application with a 200-word statement about why you deserve the job. If you are chosen, you should record the number of scares that make you jump, your heart rate during the moments of blood cooling and the amount of sleep you can sleep (if you can).

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The winner (or the loser, if it comes from Derry) gets the 13 free movies, plus a FitBit to track heart rate and the essentials to watch movies, like popcorn, candy and a blanket to hide.

And when the scares are over and goosebumps decrease, you will cash your check. You will only have to clean the popcorn thrown afterwards.

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The application closes on October 15, just a little more than two weeks before the creepiest day of the year (and your deadline, if chosen).

Stephen King