The Limited Times

Is the Taliban Afghan savior? It changes completely in 9.11. The real image is

9/21/2019, 12:19:34 PM

As the peace talks with the United States went to an agreement, the Afghan anti-government armed forces Taliban are attracting attention. The confrontation between the two was the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States. 18 years since then. ...

As the peace talks with the United States went to an agreement, the Afghan anti-government armed forces Taliban are attracting attention. The confrontation between the two was the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States. 18 years since then. The number of Taliban members continues to increase, and now seems to be the biggest. At the time of launch, they were like heroes that saved the country, but what kind of power is it? I spoke with Kenta Aoki, a researcher from the Middle East, who is familiar with Afghanistan.

-What kind of people are Taliban?

The Taliban is a multi-family of Arabic Talib (student). A group of people who want to study Islamic studies and govern Afghanistan based on the “Sharia” of Islamic law. I didn't call myself a Taliban, but I started to call it Taliban in the sense of a group of students, and that name was established.

-Are you a student but armed?

In November 1994, around 20 people armed uprising in southern Kandahar, Afghanistan are said to be the first of the Taliban. That was 2,000 people at the end of November and 20,000 people a few months later.

Funds and weapons supply are said to have been supported by Pakistan from the beginning. Pakistan, which is always facing India on the east side, will have the aim of allocating the power of pro-Pakistan on the west side to secure a supply area for military supply.

-Why did Taliban armed uprising?

Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1979-89, and the government at that time was a Communist government supported by the Soviet Union. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Afghan administration at that time also collapsed. Later, Mujahideen (Islamic Holy Warrior) who fought against the Soviet Union established a government, but when the power struggle between them became intense, it became anarchy where looting, assault, rape, etc. rampant.

The Taliban appeared there. Defeated Mujahideen commander to expand the territory. In 1996, he controlled the capital Kabul and effectively controlled 90% of the country, and established the Taliban administration.

--It seems like a savior in a disordered country.

The original purpose of the Taliban was to restore and regain security through Islamic rule. I was armed from the beginning, but the social movement was strong. Afghanistan is 99% Muslim. There was no resistance to Islamic rule, and the people also had a sense of expectation that they would make the country better. In fact, security was stable with the application of strict sharia.

However, it was a fundamentalist and pre-modern way that ignored basic human rights, such as the prohibition of women's education and the punishment of adultery, which controlled the people with fear. There is also. Western countries have accused the Taliban government of only three countries, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan.

All changes in 9/11

――The situation has changed completely, “9/11”.

The 9/11 terrorism was executed ...