The Limited Times

Australian translates her love for Syria in the magazine (beloved Syria)

9/23/2019, 12:55:41 PM

Damascus-SANA: The face of love and joy shows up every time she speaks (Syria) and she is amazed every time she speaks.


Every time she speaks of the Syrians as a people who embrace love under the roof of a country that I love to the very heart, she shows the features of love and joy whenever she speaks the name (Syria).

Sawsan Dergham, an Australian woman who knew Syria closely 16 years ago, led her passion for this country to look for a way to translate her observations and knowledge to be transferred to her homeland through a magazine called (beloved Syria).

“I love generosity, culture, history and Syrian civilization… Syria is my beloved,” she said. “I first visited 2003 as an English teacher at the British Council in Damascus and everything I saw in this country surprised me and attracted my attention.” People in Syria and its status and milestones made me think of the establishment of a magazine that will convey this to the Australians, which was achieved in 2016 magazine (beloved Syria), which cares about the depth of the Syrian and Syrian women.

The author of the magazine (Habiba Syria) published in Australia says that the information that reaches the Western circles, especially Australians about Syria is inaccurate, but those who come to Syria see the extent of cultural and social diversity and the greatness of civilization in them realize how much the world needs Syria.

Her communication with the Syrians in their homeland or abroad has made her say that the Syrians are successful, strong and able to face and overcome difficulties with defiance and steadfastness. When she returns to Australia, she will convey this image, calling on the people of the world to press their governments to change their policy towards Syria and stop the unjust coercive economic measures that hurt Syrians.

Bogdan speaks about the city of Damascus, especially the old ones and describes its beauty with a single charm that gives it a feeling of love, explaining the reason for the magazine named (beloved Syria) for the extent of her love for Syria and the remarkable relationship between the Syrians and their homeland.

Maha Atrash

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