The Limited Times

The Fourth Special Olympics of Syria kicks off in Kenitra

9/23/2019, 12:40:47 PM

Quneitra-Sana The 4th Special Olympics in Syria kicked off today in Quneitra


The 4th Syrian Special Olympics Competition kicked off in Quneitra today with the participation of more than 650 athletes from different games representing different governorates.

The athletes expressed their joy to visit the liberated Kenitra, which is the trench of confrontation and withstand the Zionist occupation.

The President of the Board of Trustees of the Olympics, Tarif Qotarsh, told SANA the importance of holding the Olympics on the land of Quneitra because of its special status in the heart of the Syrians as a message of love and peace, saluting our people in the occupied Golan who are steadfast in their land against the arrogance of the Israeli occupation.

The head of the General Sports Federation, Major General Mowaffak Juma, said that the Olympics includes competitions of 16 different games including (weightlifting, basketball, badminton, running, cycling, football and petal throwing).

The head of the Kenitra branch of the Sports Federation Firas Mousa that the establishment of this sporting event on the halls and stadiums of the province is a message of steadfastness and victory as it contributes to re-shine for the sport of the province.

The flame of victory for the establishment of the Olympics arrived in the city of Quneitra earlier today under the slogan "Golan us and will remain Syrian" through a bicycle march started from the liberated city of Khan Sheikhoun on the nineteenth of this month, passing through Hama, Homs and Damascus countryside.

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