The Limited Times

Euphrates University in Deir Ezzor issues the results of foreign language tests for enrollment in the master's degree

9/24/2019, 1:04:36 PM

Deir Ezzor-Sana Euphrates University in Deir Ezzor has released the results of foreign language tests for enrollment in a master's degree

Deir Ezzor-Sana

Euphrates University in Deir Ezzor has issued the results of foreign language tests to enroll in the master's degree for various university disciplines.

The President of the Euphrates University, Dr. Ragheb Al-Ali Al-Hussein, said that the number of registered foreign language test for enrollment in the master's degree reached 132 students, including 128 students of various specializations.

Al-Hussein explained that the successful candidates were distributed as follows: “In the French language (specialization) the number of applicants 4 succeeded one student and in French (general) one student did not succeed and in English (general) 114 students and 32 of them succeeded One of the nine applicants for the English language test (major). ”

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