The Limited Times

Zarif: We will not negotiate any new nuclear agreement before committing to the current agreement

9/24/2019, 8:07:36 PM

TEHRAN - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has confirmed that the three European countries


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the three European countries - France, Germany and Britain - failed to implement their commitments to the nuclear deal after the United States left it.

Zarif stressed in a tweet on the site "Twitter" in response to the recent statement issued by the three European countries on what it called the need to reach a new agreement with Iran that "there will be no new agreement before the commitment to the current agreement."

Zarif said that "the way to address this deficit is the comprehensive will to find an independent path and non-repetition of parrots of America's empty allegations and alignment with the comprehensive joint work program."

The three European countries asked Iran in its joint statement to negotiate again on its nuclear program, missile program and security issues in the region.

In an interview with CNN, Zarif said US President Donald Trump, if he wanted an agreement with Tehran, should get congressional support for lifting the embargo on Iran, noting that Tehran was offering initiatives and proposals and always advocating peace.

"Our proposal is still on the table. If the US president is ready, we are also ready to maintain a peaceful and permanent nuclear program in Iran and the continued monitoring of Iran's nuclear facilities, including the surprise inspection mechanism of IAEA inspectors," Zarif said. Trump gets the support of Congress to lift the ban. ”

On the possibility of a meeting between the Iranian and US presidents in New York, Zarif said that "depends on Trump to do what is necessary."

In the same context, IRNA quoted Zarif as saying in a tweet, "The fraud and deception of the United States of America existed 40 years ago, as is the case today."

According to the information section of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Zarif enclosed his tweet with the article of the newspaper "Varen Balisi", which dealt with the missile test carried out by the Zionist entity in September 1979, which was ignored by US satellites, although identified.