The Limited Times

Hezbollah would go to war over Iran

9/25/2019, 8:40:36 PM

Hezbollah would go to war for Iran. This was reported by the secretary general of the Islamic extremist group, Hassan Nasrallah, in a recent speech. He clarified that an attack on Iran would represent ...

Hezbollah would go to war for Iran. This was reported by the secretary general of the Islamic extremist group, Hassan Nasrallah, in a recent speech. He clarified that an attack against Iran would represent a war against the entire Resistance Axis. A sample of how tensions in the Middle East are becoming increasingly acute. Just look at the facts of last week, when the Lebanese Defense Minister presented one of the two drones that allegedly Israeli forces crashed in Beirut at the end of August. According to his statements, the targets of the attack were predominantly Shia suburbs of the city of Beirut. After the attack, Hezbollah fulfilled his promise to avenge the event and fired two anti-tank missiles at an Israeli military vehicle, an attack that was broadcast on the group's television channel. Given this, Israel fired in response and set several border fields on fire.

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