The Limited Times

China's August crude oil imports, Saudi production is the largest, following the previous month

9/25/2019, 9:25:42 AM

[Beijing / Singapore 25th Reuters]-According to the trade statistics announced by China Customs Office on the 25th, the country's crude oil imports in August were 7.79 million tons (18.83 million barrels a day) from Saudi Arabia. It became the most.

[Beijing / Singapore 25th Reuters]-According to the trade statistics announced by China Customs Office on the 25th, the country's crude oil imports in August were 7.79 million tons (18.83 million barrels a day) from Saudi Arabia. It became the most.

However, as Saudi oil facilities were attacked this month, it is unclear whether the country's crude oil will be the most next month.

Imports of Saudi crude oil in August increased from 6.99 million tons in July and almost doubled from 41.43 million tons in the same month last year.

Meanwhile, China's imports of Iranian crude oil in August amounted to 787,657 tons as the US imposed sanctions against Iran and tensions in the Middle East increased. It decreased from 926,119 tons in July, well below the 3.28 million tons of the same month last year.

Crude oil imports from Venezuela amounted to 1.45 million tons, doubled from 700,742 tons in July. However, it decreased by 18.6% from 1.78 million tons in the same month last year.

Refinitive Oil Research analyst Emma Lee points out that all Venezuelan crude arrived in August was loaded in July. Amid concerns about the risks associated with US sanctions, China Petroleum and Natural Gas Group (CNPC) stopped loading in August and September.

China's imports of US crude oil in August were 10.1 million tons. It was 1.5 million tons in July. However, the Chinese authorities have begun to impose a 5% tariff on US crude oil against the backdrop of the intensifying US-China trade war, and imports in September may be reduced by more than half.

Russian crude oil imports are the second largest after Saudi production, rising to 60,200,000 tons, up from 5673,000 tons in July. The same month last year was 5.7 million tons.