The Limited Times

“Iran's Pursuit of Responsibilities” US State Department Special Representative Expects Japan

9/27/2019, 12:41:19 PM

Special representative Brian Hook, who is in charge of Iran at the US State Department, met with the Asahi Shimbun in New York on the 26th. The attack on Saudi Arabia's oil facility was declared “Iranian crime” and the expectation for Japan was “Silence is further ...

Special representative Brian Hook, who is in charge of Iran at the US State Department, met with the Asahi Shimbun in New York on the 26th. The attack on Saudi Arabia's oil facility was declared “Iranian crime” and the expectation for Japan was that “silence further invites an attack from Iran. Many countries named Iran as an attacker and are responsible. Can help alleviate tension. "

The US-led “voluntary coalition” initiative to ensure ship safety in the Middle East Holmes Strait is said to “recognize that it has already begun” and in addition to five countries including the British and Australian Saudis who have announced their participation. Revealed that it has agreed with a few countries such as Europe. "Iran has the significance of monitoring the sky and the sea and issuing warnings before attacking ships in other countries," he mentioned in an incident where a Japanese tanker was attacked in June. It is important for all countries to restore deterrence so that it will not happen again. " (New York = Watanabe Hill)