The Limited Times

After almost 40 years, the newspaper El Nuevo Diario closes in Nicaragua

9/27/2019, 9:35:13 AM

El Nuevo Diario, a printed and digital newspaper with almost 40 years in Nicaragua, suspends its informative work as of September 27, due to economic, technical and logistical circumstances ...

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Issue of El Nuevo Diario de Nicaragua in an image dated July 30, 2019. (INTI OCON / AFP / Getty Images)

(CNN Spanish) - El Nuevo Diario, a print and digital newspaper with almost 40 years in Nicaragua, suspends its informative work as of September 27, due to the adverse economic, technical and logistical circumstances it faces, as reported by the board media directive through a statement.

"We are aware of the importance of the New Journal as a key means in the journalistic coverage of several relevant stages in the recent history of Nicaragua, from its founding in May 1980 until today," the statement said.

Douglas Carcache, editorial director of El Nuevo Diario, informed CNN in August that due to the shortage of raw material, caused by the retention of supplies at the General Directorate of Customs, the newspaper went from 38 to only 8 pages in standard size, from the beginning of the socio-political crisis in the country, and currently circulating in tabloid size.

According to Carcache, from December it was printed only from Monday to Friday. "Because of that blockade that the government has done to us, the time will come when we may not be able to print newspapers," Carcache said.

CNN consulted in August about the materials retained from newspapers in the General Directorate of Customs and also in the Communication and Citizenship Council coordinated by Vice President Rosario Murillo, but did not respond to the request for information.

El Nuevo Diario, with 39 years of circulation, began work with a team of dissenting journalists from Diario La Prensa, related to the revolutionary project. Later, during the 90s, he forged an independent editorial line, according to Douglas Carcache.

Since the beginning of the current crisis, which began in April 2018 with an unpopular reform of the pension system and which escalated at the request of early elections and changes in the democratic system, the New Journal maintained a critical position to the government.

Sources of the media confirmed on that occasion that the majority partner of the company ND Media, to which the New Journal belongs, is Ramiro Ortíz Mayorga, president of the Promérica Group.

The Metro newspaper, distributed free of charge in Managua for 6 years, and the digital newspaper Qhubo, owned by ND Media, also suspend work on September 27, their managers said in a statement.