The Limited Times

Maduro: Venezuela has one of the most advanced weapons systems in the world

9/27/2019, 5:19:37 AM

CARACAS-SANA - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced today that he has received full support from Russia in all areas of


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced today that he has received full support from Russia in all areas of military-technical cooperation.

"We have received the full support of Russia and President Vladimir Putin in all areas of military technical cooperation," Maduro said on his Twitter page on his arrival at Caracas airport.

Maduro said he and Putin discussed military-technical cooperation, noting that the Russian president "reaffirmed Russia's full support so that Venezuela can strengthen its defense capabilities and its weapons system to protect sovereignty and national peace."

On Friday, Putin reiterated his country's support for Venezuela in the face of blatant US interventions, stressing that Moscow will continue to supply spare parts for Venezuelan military equipment and military cooperation according to deadlines and in strict compliance with the agreements.

Venezuela faces US interference in its internal affairs in an attempt to destabilize it by tightening economic and financial sanctions and supporting right-wing forces to revive Washington's plans to dominate the country, while Russia stresses its rejection of any US military intervention in Venezuela.