The Limited Times

Pakistan's PM urges UN aid in the Kashmir conflict: "As if we were back in 1938"

9/27/2019, 6:11:13 PM

In his first appearance before the UN General Assembly, Pakistan's PM has called on the UN to intervene in the Kashmir conflict. He fears an armed conflict.

"Be Prepared for the Worst": Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has urgently warned in a speech to the United Nations before the outbreak of another war between India and Pakistan. At the UN general debate, he called on the community to intervene in the Kashmir conflict.

"If that works out bad, you're hoping for the best, but be prepared for the worst," Khan said. The United Nations has a responsibility for Kashmir. "You should have prevented that," Khan said. "That's why the UN was founded in 1945." Kashmir is a "test" for the UN.

Khan compared the situation with the Munich Agreement in 1938, when the German Reich was given a part of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler as part of the appeasement policy intended to soothe him. "I feel like we were back in 1938," Khan said. "Now is not the time to placate as it did then, now is time to act." Khan accused the world community of having failed to act because the big Indian economic market is more important to them than the people of Kashmir.

The house arrest in Kashmir must be lifted and the autonomy status restored, Khan said.

Increased tensions since August

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their independence from British colonial rule in 1947, two of them around the divided region of Kashmir. Both nuclear powers each dominate a part of Kashmir, another part belongs to China. At the beginning of August, India had withdrawn its autonomous status from the Indian Kashmir region, thus abruptly increasing tensions with Pakistan (read more here).

Since then, battles have been piling up along the line of control, the de facto border between the two countries in the Kashmir region.

With the new regulation, New Delhi wants to integrate the predominantly Muslim-inhabited area into the majority of Hindu India. So far, the region has had its own constitution and extensive political freedoms. Many cashmere are against the new regulation. Concerned about protests, the government sent tens of thousands of soldiers to the already militarized border region of Pakistan.