The Limited Times

Terrorists target Abu Dhour corridor with shells to prevent those wishing to go out .. Protests in Idlib against Al-Nusra terrorists

9/27/2019, 12:56:19 PM

Idlib-Sana targeted terrorists


Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists targeted the perimeter of the Abu Dhour corridor with shells to prevent those who wish to leave the corridor which was opened by the concerned authorities two weeks ago to secure the exit of civilians from the terrorist spread areas in Idlib city and its countryside. Head to the southeast corridor of the city.

SANA correspondent reported that the terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra continued for the fifteenth consecutive day to take civilians in their areas of deployment in Idlib province as human shields and targeted Abu Dhour corridor more than once today to prevent those who wish to leave the corridor.

In addition, local sources pointed out that groups of women went out this morning with demonstrations against Al-Nusra Front terrorists in a number of areas of his control in Idlib, demanding that residents be allowed to go to the Abu Dhour corridor and get out of the areas of control of the Takfiri organization.

In recent years, the concerned authorities, in cooperation with the army units, have prepared humanitarian corridors in a number of areas to ensure the exit of hundreds of thousands of civilians for their lives. .

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