The Limited Times

Thunberg meets Trudeau: "He does not do enough"

9/27/2019, 9:29:13 PM

He plans to plant two billion trees in the event of an electoral victory, announced Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of a meeting with Greta Thunberg. The climate activist is not enough.

Focus on climate crisis

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Reporting on climate change is one of the major journalistic challenges of our time. The climate crisis is also one of the most important issues of humanity for SPIEGEL. For this reason, we support an international initiative that seeks to take a look this week: "Covering Climate Now" has been initiated by the Columbia Journalism Review and the Canadian newspaper "The Nation", with more than 200 media companies worldwide including the Guardian, El País, La Repubblica, The Times of India, Bloomberg or Vanity Fair. SPIEGEL is dedicating the cover story of the current issue to the climate crisis this week and every day pays special attention to

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has blamed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a meeting in Montreal for not adequately tackling climate change. "I try not to focus on individual people, but on the big picture," said the 16-year-old Swede after the meeting according to Canadian media reports. "Of course it's easier to blame someone, and of course he has a lot of responsibility and certainly he does not do enough." That's what she says to all politicians worldwide. "My message to all politicians is the same - just listen to science and act accordingly.

Trudeau announced at a press conference to plant two billion new trees in Canada in the event of an October victory. Climate activist Thunberg said at a press conference "an impressive person who brings the conversation forward" and "the voice of a generation of young people calling on their leaders to do more and make it better - and me listen".

In the afternoon, Trudeau and Thunberg participated in a climate protest in Montreal, according to the organizers with about 500,000 other people. "We did that together and I can not thank you enough for being here," Thunberg said in a speech to the people. "It's just unbelievable to be united for such a common cause." Their home country Sweden and Canada are both "alleged leaders in climate protection," said Thunberg. "In both cases that means absolutely nothing, in both cases it's just empty words."