The Limited Times

Mr. Xi emphasized “great reconstruction” China founded 70 years, Hong Kong still confused

10/1/2019, 12:20:15 PM

On the 1st, China celebrated its 70th anniversary and opened a commemorative ceremony and a large military parade at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Xi Jinping (Shichinpin) Jintao "70 years ago today in his speech, the rising Chinese people, the Chinese nation to change the tragic fate Wei ...

On the 1st, China celebrated its 70th anniversary and opened a commemorative ceremony and a large military parade at Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Xi Jinping (Shichinpin) Jintao "70 years ago today, the rise is the Chinese people, to change the tragic fate the Chinese nation began to walk the road of the great revival" in his speech and, the development the first time under the Communist Party Emphasis. On the other hand, a strong anti-government demonstration was held in Hong Kong, and one high school boy became heavy. There is also information that police have fired live ammunition, and the situation in Hong Kong may be even more tense.

Mr. Xi, who gave a speech on the Tiananmen Tower, said, “No power can shake the status of the motherland. We will maintain the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and create new historical achievements.” In light of the deepening confrontation with the United States, the government showed its determination to further strengthen its national power and improve its international status.

In the military parade where about 15,000 people from a total of 59 units participated, there were many latest such as the multi-warhead ICBM "DF (Dongfeng) 41" and stealth unmanned attack aircraft that can reach the US mainland with a range of more than 10,000 kilometers The weapon was released for the first time. It seems that Xi's progress toward “world-class military construction” is shown inside and outside, and the aim is to check the United States and other countries.

As for Hong Kong, where the confusion caused by the demonstrations will continue for a long time, it will be stated that it will “maintain the policy of one country and two systems and maintain long-term prosperity and stability”.

However, in Hong Kong, 10 days a day ...