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The Daily Update: Heinz-Christian Strache's withdrawal from politics

10/1/2019, 3:17:27 PM

Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday. The topic of the day: Ibiza affair, allegations of embezzlement, electoral failure For 14 years, Heinz-Christian Strache ...

Here you will find the most important news of the day, the most popular stories of SPIEGEL + and tips for your end of workday.

The theme of the day: Ibiza affair, allegations of embezzlement, election ballot

For 14 years Heinz-Christian Strache was chairman of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ), for 17 months vice-chancellor. Strache has led his party after the split and the departure of Jörg Haider almost from scratch back to 2017 and made in 2017 with 26 percent of the vote to the third-strongest party in the country. Then the revelations came around the so-called Ibiza video - this was Strache's political career counted. On Tuesday he finally announced to withdraw from politics and want to leave his FPÖ membership.

Yet it was not the fact that Strache was close to the neo-Nazi scene at a young age and participated in military exercises that forced him to retreat. Not only the pictures from Ibiza, which he wanted to dismiss as "b'soffene G'schicht". Last allegations of allegation of embezzlement had arisen against him - but especially painful for his party should have been the election slam on Sunday. The FPÖ had only reached 16.2 percent in the National Council elections. Now Strache had preceded a party exclusion that the FPÖ committees wanted to discuss this Tuesday afternoon.

Whether the story of the rise and fall of the Freedom Heinz-Christian Strache really ends with the chapter of this Tuesday, is still open, writes Spiegel correspondent Walter Mayr in his analysis. And further: "For his party, it will depend on whether the deeply offended resists the temptation to open his personal poison cabinet: Concentrated knowledge from those nearly three decades, the Strache was in the FPÖ may be suspected there."

The number of the day: 429.80 (Euro)

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So high was the bill for a Japanese couple in a restaurant in Rome. Festive dinner? Rather not - two plates of spaghetti with fish, with two glasses of water. The guests would have chosen the expensive fish even in the showcase, the restaurant owner now justifies himself. He is accused in the social networks "tourist rip-off". The website TripAdvisor had to deactivate the comment function in the meantime because of too many negative entries for the restaurant.

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News: What you need to know today

  • New problems for US President Donald Trump: The Ukraine affair is far from over, now it is announced that Trump should also have called for support from Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. It went according to media reports to the Mueller investigation.
  • "No power can stop China" : With the largest weapon show in its history, the People's Republic of China celebrates its 70th anniversary. The protests escalated in Hong Kong at the same time.
  • Are the Greens on the way to the People's Party? A new survey by the opinion polling agency Civey for SPIEGEL shows that the Greens are still perceived as a one-party party. They owe their upswing above all to their climate and environmental policy.
  • A huge iceberg has broken out of the Antarctic. The area of ​​the iceberg called D28 is about 1582 square kilometers, its mass about 315 billion tons. But this should have nothing to do with global warming.

Opinion: The most discussed comments, interviews, essays

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Good news for the carnivores among you: Red meat is the healthiest thing you can eat - at least that's how Harald Schmidt interprets the results of a new study. Nevertheless, he has pity: with the vegetarians, who ruin their own lives. Here you can watch the video.


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"I am not here today to talk about the sea rescue": Carola Rackete had made headlines this summer as captain of the "Sea-Watch 3". She resolutely opposed the Italian Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, and headed for the port of Lampedusa with refugees on board. Now a new chapter begins for them: is racquet now saving the climate? My colleague Steffen Lüdke accompanied her.

GordonWelters / THE MIRROR

Carola Rackete during the climate strike of "Fridays for Future" in Berlin

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Steven Paston / Picture Alliance

Cristiano Ronaldo advertising figure in London

My evening: the recommendations for your end of workday

A power man who does not shy away from lies, not even murder: this describes the role of Kevin Spacey in House of Cards, Congressman Francis Underwood - but not only. Similarly, Payton Hobart (Ben Platt) tackles his politician's dream in "The Politician" unscrupulously. But: The new Netflix series sings a lot more often - and it's embedded in a high school setting. In supporting roles of the sharp satire shine Gwyneth Paltrow and Jessica Lange. Read the SPIEGEL review here.


Scene from "The Politician"

I wish you a nice finishing time.


Vanessa Steinmetz from the Daily Team

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