The Limited Times

Trump is stepping up his attack against his critics: what is happening against a coup

10/2/2019, 7:35:16 AM

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday dismissed as "the" impeachment of Democrats


US President Donald Trump on Tuesday dismissed as "a coup against the people" the removal of Democrats earlier.

The House of Representatives, in which Democrats have a majority vote, opened an investigation on suspicion of abuse of power by the president in a telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelinsky and will decide whether to vote on Trump's formal indictment and thus leave his fate to the Senate, which is up to him to convict and dismiss Or acquitted and thus continue in office.

Trump wrote on his Twitter account Yazid is convinced day after day that what is happening is not an isolation but a coup aimed at removing power from the people and depriving them of their voice and freedom, considering it also against religion, the military and the border wall and against the rights granted to Americans as citizens of the United States.

The investigation in the US House of Representatives comes after the scandal Trump asked for help from a foreign country to intervene in the elections by trying to discredit his political opponent former US Vice President Joe Biden.

Trump's telephone conversation with Zelinsky was highlighted by media reports that an intelligence officer had counted him as alarming and sent a complaint to his leadership.

On the other hand, the New York Times revealed that Trump proposed to shoot migrants to arrest them after crossing the southern border.

According to a report in the paper that includes excerpts from a book titled "Border War: Trump's Immigration Attack," based on interviews with more than a dozen White House and administration officials directly involved in the events of that week in March, "Trump did not stop there. He even suggested more terrible things: he wanted to dig a ditch to fortify the border wall with Mexico and fill it with snakes or crocodiles. He wanted the wall to be electrified with nails on top that could penetrate human flesh.

Trump had publicly suggested that soldiers should shoot at migrants if they threw stones at them, an idea his aides later told was illegal. At that time, the number of migrants arrested at the border rose to more than 100,000 a month.

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