The Limited Times

Jordanian teachers hold a sit-in in Amman to emphasize their demands

10/3/2019, 12:50:16 PM

Amman - Hundreds of Jordanian teachers staged a sit-in at the Professional Trade Union Complex in Amman on Sunday


Hundreds of Jordanian teachers staged a sit-in at the Trade Union Complex in Amman on Wednesday to protest the government's handling of their demands.

According to Jordanian media, the teachers participating in the sit-in "their adherence to their right to receive an increase in their salaries and the government's apology for what they called the attacks on teachers when they tried to sit in the past month."

In return, the government invited students to join their schools and recently announced that it will move to take financial and administrative sanctions against striking teachers in addition to penalties up to dismiss absentee students from school.

The Teachers Syndicate Council is scheduled to hold a meeting today to take decisions on the upcoming protest movements, said the deputy head of the teachers' union, Nasser Nawasra, who confirmed the continuation of the movements until the fulfillment of the demands of teachers.

Teachers in Jordan began a strike on September 8 demanding a 50 percent increase in salaries.

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